Chapter 13: School misbehaviour

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Probably wasn't the best day to do this, but when I was at work I received a call from my brother. We call each other pretty often, even more now that divorced Elsie, Justin's mother. The point is that I thought it'd be a good idea to invite them both over to have dinner with us. I always enjoy dinner with my family, and I also know Kim and Trini love their uncle, so do my other daughters. We all know the only problem here is Justin with Sam, but like I said before, maybe they just need to get used to each other, and the rivalries will go away. I think deep inside they like each other... deep, deep inside.

Sam came back home after I did, because she took the bus. I'm still not convinced with Anna's idea of independence, but so far nothing bad has happened, and many kids take the bus back their homes. I said hello to her and asked her how did the meeting with her counselor was. She shrugged her shoulders, saying that it wasn't that bad and mentioned they talked a lot about us. She said the counselor wanted to get to know her family, starting by her parents. I wanted to ask Sam if she told her counselor I wasn't her real father, but I decided it wouldn't be appropriated. After all, everything between her and Dr. Norris is strictly confidential, and I'll have plenty of time to introduce myself if I meet her someday. After all this talking I left her know she should get ready for dinner, because we were having guests. I didn't even need to tell her who those were that she snorted and ran upstairs to get changed.

"Well that didn't go so bad", I said to myself as I watched my daughter locking herself in her room. What I didn't know was that Sam wouldn't be the main problem with this family meeting. After waiting for my brother around 20 minutes the door rang. It was Matt and my nephew Justin, who by the way was extremely quiet. That's a strange thing, since he's always very glad to see me and tell about his day and all that stuff. Instead he said hello to everybody and just sat down for dinner. I took my brother apart to ask him what the matter was.

-I'm sorry we delayed Felipe, but I had a little problem with Justin when he came back to school.

-Why? What happened?, I asked him with concern in my voice while folding my arms together. My brother sighed before carrying on with the story.

-Well when he came back home I told him we were having dinner at your place and he just replied he didn't feel like it. I kept on asking him what was wrong until he said... you don't really need to hear this, Matt said instantly backing down.

-Come on Matt. You can tell me anything, I coaxed him to tell me what was happening.

-He said he didn't want to come because of Sam, Matt said showing tons of embarrassment.

I understand him. When Sam told me she couldn't stand Justin, I felt bad too, because both of them are my family.

-Oh, I see, I said trying to make my brother more comfortable about the subject.

-We started arguing because I told him he could not like her, but she's family and she's important to you Felipe as she is to me too. Then he said... well lots of things he shouldn't have said, so we kind of delayed due to me dealing with him. Probably that's why he's so quiet now, he sighed and I placed a hand on my brother's shoulder.

-Well don't worry Matt. We'll figure this out I promise. Other than keeping them at bay when it comes to treating each other, we can't force them to be friends. Although I'm sure they'll end up liking each other with time.

-Probably you're right. So let's go to have dinner. I can't wait to see what your wife cooked this time.

After that we all sat down together and ate peacefully. Sam and Justin were specially quiet, not even looking at each other. On the other hand, Trini and Kimberly were fighting to see who gets to talk the most during dinner. They wouldn't stop telling stories about their new friends in kindergarten, and their new teacher and all that. Matt was listening to them with a smile on his face, since he loves kids and he hasn't had one in like... well since Justin was one. I have to say it's an exhausting experience, but it is lovely. Nothing like the first few years of your kids, because you're just getting to know this tiny little new identities. You start to learn what they like, what they don't like, what makes them happy, what makes them sad, their favorite colours, food, stories... lots of knowledge after all, that helps you to understand them when they're older. Of course, my older daughters are also a great experience, since they're starting to turn into young women, and with that comes lots of personalities changes, new moods, hormones... by the time you're my age you're full of responsibilities.

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