Chapter 29: Trouble in Paradise Pt. 2

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Felipe's POV

That afternoon I locked myself in my studio and refused to come out until Trini came to get me for dinner. Her blue eyes stared at me in confusion, since I hadn't displayed a behavior like that in her entire life. I kissed her cheek gently and promised her I'd be out in a minute and she silently left the room. I sighed deeply when I was finally left alone. I wasn't even hungry, but I didn't want to worry my girls any more than necessary, so I showed up for dinner with an emotionless face.

When everybody was up and out of the dining room, Sam had yet to make a move. Her look had frozen in my direction, as if waiting for a permission of some kind to be dismissed. I couldn't blame her. Never in this household such a conduct had gone unchecked by me but things would be different from that moment on.

"You done?" I asked politely, although my tone came out a little colder than I had intended. She was visibly startled by my behavior but I didn't react further, just waited for her answer.

"Yeah. I'm gonna... you know, go now" she voiced out her actions as she slowly got to her feet and started walking upstairs, not without dedicating me one last curious look before she ran all the way up.

Anna didn't say a word and simply finished the dishes and went straight to our room. As I dried the dishes alone in the kitchen I wondered if I was banned from my own bed or not, but I simply couldn't sleep on the couch due to my spine. Once I finished I directed myself upstairs to check on my girls and kiss them goodnight as I had done every single day of my life.

When I reached the first floor it called my attention a beam of light coming from Sam's bedroom. I lifted my fist to knock firmly on her door, probably recalling my usual routine of scolding anyone that has her lights on past bedtime but I froze before I could feel the wood. Sam wasn't my responsibility anymore, so if she wanted to stay up all night it was between her and Anna.

Reluctantly my feet kept walking until I reached the next room, lights out and deep silent. I crooked the door as quietly as I could to take a look of my two girls sleeping peacefully. Alexa had finally calmed down and started to sleep tight in her bed with a little help of her sister. I smiled fondly at them, with a bit of sadness in my eyes that they were growing so fast. I stared at them endlessly thinking nobody had noticed me, but somebody was.

"Dad. Are you alright?" Melanie's smart eyes followed me as I tried to leave the room without waking any of them.

"Shh. Go to sleep honey. I love you" I mumbled in order not to wake Alexa up, who was deep asleep for the first night without any fuss.

The next day was even worse. With Anna mad at me, I had to be in charge all by myself to wake up all the girls except for Samantha, who wouldn't be attending school. Still she surprisingly showed up for breakfast on her own, and I greeted her shortly when she sat down. She barely replied to me, staring at her hot cakes as if there was no tomorrow. The rest of my girls shared a troubled look, even the twins but I didn't explain myself over the situation. Anna could do that, since she didn't even have the decency to join us for breakfast.

I dismissed my girls to take the bus and told the twins to finish getting ready for school. Sam walked herself upstairs, probably to aid them. She never skips a beat when it comes to Kim and Trini and I had always thought that was a sweet thing of her.

Just when I was alone with my thoughts, the small frame of my wife crossed the kitchen limits and appeared in my line of vision. At first she didn't do any gesture to acknowledge me, just poured herself what apparently was one very needed cup of coffee.

"Good morning" Anna greeted me coldly and I was a bit startled to be even noticed.

"Morning" I replied sounding guarded. My wife was acting really strange.

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