Chapter 43: Life Upside-Down Pt. 2

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Felipe's POV

Time had done pretty much nothing in healing our wounds. As days passed by, I got the feeling that this situation was only going worse and worse. Sam had avoided coming out of her room and avoided all her commitments, except for school. My wife had kept her days of rest, we had gotten her checked by the doctor again and he reassured us everything was fine. Physically, that is. The psychological sequels that she carried after the loss of our child were dangerous, but she had refused every attempt I had made for her to get help. Like mother, like daughter I guess.

That day I decided it had been more than enough. If we continued living this way, our family would break apart like an old building, to the ground. I couldn't for the love of me let that happen. There had to be a way to fix this.

There had to be a way that I could get Anna to at least say something to me.

"Anna" I called her attention but I was blatantly ignored, so I insisted. "Anna we cannot keep doing this" I referred to the fact that my wife had kept her walls up for days now, ignoring all of our children's needs. I knew she was hurting but we had to find a way to keep living, if not for us, for them.

"You weren't there. You don't know what I went through" she growled as her eyes filled with tears with the memory of her traumatic experience.

"I'd have switched places with you a million times for you not to go through that, if only I could..." I spoke to her while looking right into her eyes for the first time in days. I felt all my tears choking down my throat but I refused to let them out. She needed me. "But our girls are still here Anna, and they're worried. We cannot shut them out and Sam..."

"Sam blames me! She thinks I did something wrong" she raised her voice, regardless of who could hear her. She held my look that was beaming frustration before dropping it to the floor. "Maybe I did" she mumbled angrily, this time against herself.

"Don't be ridiculous. Sam is thirteen. She doesn't understand all this, and she's hurting as much as we are" I tried to explain myself to the woman in front of me. In a moment of courage, I reached for her hand and I breathed in relief when she allowed me to take it in mine. "She needs us hun" I spoke trying to search her eyes again, but she remained still.

Perhaps she needed even more time. At that point, I was absolutely clueless as to what to do, so I started wandering around the house like a ghost. Our children were in their respective bedrooms, which had been their shelter for the past few days. But I had a shelter of my own, and even when you might think I'm talking about my studio, I'm not.

The piano room.

To the sight of my dear friend, my first instinct was to take a seat and place my hands on the board, carefully caressing the keys. There was something I was dying to let out, and I only knew one way how.

Little by little, the melody I was playing reached my ears. A song that I had hoped would play for my unborn child one day, but that now it sounded bitter and melancholic. Without any lyrics, it somehow mirrored the way I felt inside, underneath the facade I had to put on to face my children and my wife. The one I was used to wearing.

A couple tears splashed the keyboard right by my still fingers, and only then I noticed that I had let them out. My body threatened to shake with each sob, but I knew I had to restrain myself, since one of my girls could be around, and I couldn't be more right.

Once I lifted my look towards the door, I spotted a frame standing right by the entrance of the room, quietly observing me. She apparently sensed I was surprised and a bit embarrassed by her presence, because she said only one thing to me. "I didn't mean to interrupt you. I just wanted to listen" my daughter Sam said and took my nod of the head as a permission to enter.

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