Chapter 10: Putting an end to it

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I went downstairs straight to my studio where I found Alexa standing in the middle of the room, looking at me with a sorry look. I'm afraid it's a little too late for that now sweetie.

-I'm not even asking you for an explanation of that attitude. I've seen it before, and I thought I made myself very clear that I'd have zero tolerance about it, I said to her straight to the point while giving her a cold look.

-I'm sorry daddy, I swear I am. I was just mad because I lost my game. I didn't mean to yell or anything, she said looking at me with puppy eyes.

Seriously, is that all my daughters have that look in their repertory? They should look for something new, because I can't be more used to it.

-It's late for being sorry now Alexa. You really did upset me and the rest of the house with your yelling. It was incredibly disrespectful. Don't you remember last time we had this same conversation? What did I tell you, huh?, I said placing my hands on my hips.

-I... I don't remember daddy, she said looking away, pretending she had no clue what I was talking about, but I perfectly knew she did know.

-I believe I told you, last time we had this same conversation about you and the computer, that you better not show that attitude to me again, otherwise you'd regret it big time, didn't I?, I said taking a few steps closer to her and folding my arms on my chest.

-Yes sir... b-but I didn't mean to yell. I was upset.

-For a video game? Seriously Alexa? Don't you think there are lots of stuff more important than sitting in front of a screen, abstracted of the outside world, ruining your sight with a video game?

-Well it's important to me.

-Important or not, you're not making that scene about anything again. You have no right to be that disrespectful to anyone, I said grabbing the chair and setting it in the middle of the room and proceeding to sit down on it.

-Daddy please. I don't want to get spanked, she said begging me with her hands interlocked behind her back.

-You should have thought about that before Alexa. You were more than warned that if you put on a show like that again, you were going to get punished. Now don't make it worse for yourself, I said to her with a look that clearly shown that I was losing my patience.

She slowly walked to where I was, wearing a pitiful face and when she was close enough I pulled her over my knees. She was already squirming around, but it was nothing compared to her complaints after the spanking started. I started landing hard smacks all over her butt, the top of her thighs included. Immediately she reacted by complaining out loud and trying to reach back, which is why I had to held her wrist on one side of her body. She wasn't getting away with this no way, not while she lives under this roof. I've never tolerated a tantrum in my life as a parent. I don't really know how Anna took it for so long with Sam.

-Daddy pleeease. I'm sorry, Alexa said beneath her sobbing while I was still spanking her hard.

I wanted to make my point across very well because, unlike Melanie and like Sam, she has a pretty thick head and a strong temperament she needs to learn how to control.

-You have no excuse SMACK SMACK SMACK for the outburst you just pulled off SMACK SMACK I tried to be reasonable with you SMACK SMACK but the only thing I got SMACK SMACK was you yelling SMACK SMACK again once your grounding week was over SMACK SMACK SMACK It was clear for me SMACK from the beginning SMACK SMACK that you needed this SMACK SMACK to understand the boundaries SMACK SMACK that you have SMACK SMACK when it comes to the computer SMACK SMACK

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