Chapter 31: The secret comes out

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Felipe's POV

After that whole episode, things went back to normal pretty quickly in the house. That only proved to me that it couldn't have been any other way. This was my family and I wouldn't change it for the world.

A couple days later, Sam went back to school from her suspension and I warned her she better makes up for all the days she had missed. I didn't want her grades to be affected by this incident. It was bad enough my daughter now had a mark on her record. Still I couldn't bring myself to be upset about it anymore. She had been punished enough and now we all had to move on.

Speaking of moving on. As me and my wife found ourselves with those rare times when we were alone, I took the chance to let her know about the situation with my brother. Needless to say she didn't react much differently to me, and even when she didn't know Matt that much, she showed herself extremely concerned, as if it was her own brother. It always touched my heart how warm she always was with my family.

"Hey. You're zooming out" Anna called me back to earth and brought me to pose my look on her, sipping green tea calmly from her place on the couch.

"Yes, sorry it's just... God I don't know what I'd do without you"

"Same. I'm sure Matt needs all the support he can get. Has he talked with Justin?"

"Shh, no. And I don't think he will" "I don't want the girls eavesdropping on our conversation"

"Relax, they're upstairs. Have you noticed the girls hang out together a lot lately?" she asked me making reference to all of our daughters.

"I suppose that's good" I said while bringing back my eyes on the newspaper I had abandoned seconds ago.

"Yeah but... they spend a lot of time in their room. Don't you think they're up to something?" Anna continued to talk suspiciously but I thought there was nothing too bad our kids could be doing in our house right in front of our noses.

"Like what, you think?" I prompted her to say what was on her mind.

"I don't know. Probably just girls talk" Anna giggled and made me raise my eyes to her in suspicion.

"About...?" I invited her to finish that sentence and she smirked at me playfully.

"Boys Felipe" she replied with an eye role, a 'duh' tone lacing her words. I grumpily folded the newspaper to release some of my frustration with the topic.

"Not again with the boys subject. It's not like they have a boyfriend yet" I said and something about the silence on the other side made my heart ache. "Do they?" I raised my tone slightly when I saw confirmation in my wife's eyes.

"Shhh, no. Not all of them" she tried to keep me quiet but with no avail.

"Then who?" I said trying to read her expression and it didn't take me long to find out who was she talking about. "Sam?" I asked and felt how my eyes darkened slightly to the thought.

"Shush, yes. But I wasn't supposed to tell you" she said and I frowned in response of her secrecy. "It's not like the other time. This was just some mother daughter secret. She's been grounded so she can't even hang out with anyone these days" she added that last detail to ease my protective instincts. It worked.

"I suppose you're right" I said and a thought crossed my mind. "She wouldn't bring him here, right? The other day when I came to check on her she acted a little weird"

"Of course not! We didn't raise her that way" Anna got up dismissing completely the idea but I had my doubts. I'd have to pay more attention from now on, just to satisfy my curiosity. If she was hanging out with someone, I wanted to know who.

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