Chapter 7: Facing the consequences

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Felipe's POV

Barely I got home I knew something was wrong. I was greeted by Justin very politely, but something in his look told me something wasn't right. When I asked him about it he mentioned he had huge trouble handling Sam that night. Somehow I didn't have a surprise feeling. I knew Sam would do this, even when I specifically asked her to keep her temper down. Well I think I've warned her enough. She might have taken advantage of Justin, but she's definitely not gonna do the same with me.

I didn't waste not even a second in this whole matter. Barely Justin left, I went straight upstairs and opened Sam's door, staring at her filled with anger. I spoke clearly to her, using just four words that froze her in her spot. She immediately got up and locked herself in my studio.

I was pretty tired about Justin and Sam's thing. I couldn't understand why couldn't they get along. Yes, they do have their tempers, but they don't even know each other enough to already feel hate. It was kind of frustrating, because I love my nephew Justin as much as I love my daughter Sam. Guess it's about time to teach this girl some manners.

After taking off my tux jacket and bow and left them in my room, I opened my studio's door to find Sam standing in the middle of the room, tearing up already. Strange. She knew that she was in trouble, but she never cries before I spank her. She always tries to look all tough and rude.

-I'm not even gonna ask why. I already know the reason why you did it Sam, and it doesn't sound fair to tell you the truth, I said folding my arms on my chest and giving her a stern look. She seemed pretty dramatic about the whole thing. I mean, I thought she'd be upset, maybe a little nervous, but not that sad.

-Dad I don't know what to say, she said dropping her head fidgeting with her toes, I'm so sorry about it, but I didn't have a choice. You have to understand.

-You didn't have a choice?, I asked her raising my eyebrows to her.

What was she talking about?

-Yes, you don't know how it was, she said shooting me sad eyes, Let me explain...

-This is ridiculous Sam. What do you mean you didn't have a choice? You just had to do one single thing: you just had to behave and be nice and respectful with Justin, just for tonight, but then I find out that you didn't want to go down for dinner, that you were extremely disrespectful to him, that you swore on him... what? You're going to tell me that somebody just forced you to do that?

She remained silent for a couple of seconds. She was staring at me, as if we weren't talking about the same thing, and obviously we weren't.

-Yeah about that...

-Yes, about that, I corrected my daughter.

-Ugh dad, it's just that Justin annoys me so much! I was having an important phone conversation with Karen and he just took my phone away and hung up to her. Just like that, she complained while flailing her arms in the air.

-Sam I told you this days ago, I said grabbing my nose between my fingers, If Justin does something wrong you have to tell me or Matt, and he'll deal with him. It's not my job to teach Justin, my job is to teach you some manners. And that's what I'm planning on doing tonight.

I grabbed the chair from my desk and placed it right in front of her. She kept on staring at me, probably deciding if she'd make it easy or not for me. Well she better not give me any trouble, because I'm not in the mood to be called my bluff honestly. I was beyond tired and upset for her silly and, above everything, childish attitude. I couldn't understand this cat and dog fight between her and my nephew, but I was definitely putting a limit to this mess. I unbuttoned my right hand's cuff, slowly rolling the sleeve up to my elbow.

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