Chapter 15: Discipline vs. Violence

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-Alright, so now you can keep on with your explanation, which I expect to be really good Melanie Elissa Clinton, I said with a scary low tone of voice while folding my arms on my chest, trying my best to contain the huge anger I was feeling. More disappointed than angry I was. She gulped a couple times before starting to talk with a shaky tone of voice.

-Well... I was reading a book in my bedroom when Kim came in saying she wanted to play with me. I told her that I was busy, but she just wouldn't leave. She kept on asking me to play with her, and talking louder and louder until I lost it and I yelled at her to get out of my room and... she just yelled back at me that she wouldn't and kept on screaming and I... I don't know what happened dad, I'm so sorry. I smacked the back of her head and she instantly started to cry like crazy. I tried to calm her down and everything but she just wouldn't stop, she concluded with tears building on the edge of her bright blue eyes.

-Let's clear up things up, shall we? I know that you wouldn't hit your sister on purpose Melanie, yet that's what you did in the end. You could have hurt her really bad, did you know that? And no saying that you're seven years older than her. You shouldn't lower yourself down to her level, you should be better and more responsible, I chastised harshly as she was stroking the hem of her skirt nervously.

-I know, I know. It's just that I didn't mean to do that. I was so angry...

-You know Melanie that I often get really mad at you girls as well? We all get a little mad sometimes, yet you need to learn how to control that anger and keep yourself away from other people. You can always say or do something you don't mean to, and then it's just too late to take it back, like now.

-I'm terribly sorry dad. Really, she said shutting me puppy dog eyes.

-Well no sorry's gonna get you out of this Melanie. You have to face the consequences of what you did, I said gently but firmly holding my daughter by her arm, forcing her to stand up in front of me as I took a seat on the couch.

-Please dad. I'm so very sorry, she said already rubbing her backside with her free hand, still holding the hope that puppy dog look would get her out of this. Not even a single chance.

I quickly pulled Melanie over my lap, already delivering two hard smacks to her backside while she was struggling. I held her arm on her lower back in firm grip while I stared down at her.

-You need to grow up Melanie. You're seven years older than your little sisters, and you have to prove to me that you're better than lowering yourself to their level, I said to her with my stern voice while rubbing her backside a little bit.

I resumed my daughter's punishment despite all her begging and all her promises. If all of my daughters would keep the 30% of those promises they wouldn't find themselves so often in my studio. It's a long way to go until they actually get the point of what I'm saying, but at least they're pretty good at listening during a punishment. They don't want to skip a beat of what I'm telling them. They know better.

After a few minutes of constant hard smacks falling all over my daughter's backside her desperation turned into rendition, since her begging and her kicking stopped. Her sobbing and promises didn't though. I gently ran my fingers through Melanie's hair, giving her a short break. Oh boy she'd need it. I helped her to stand up from my lap, holding her hand in mine. Though I tried to make eye contact with her, she just dedicated herself to stare at the floor and the tears that were constantly running down through her cheek. I spoke to her clearly, ordering her to drop her underwear to the floor. She took a moment to rub her watery eyes with the back of her hand before accomplishing what she was told to do. Then I helped her to come back over my knees, tightening my grip around her waist a little more and lifting her skirt. Now comes the hard part.

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