Chapter 27: Coming clean Pt. 2

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Sam's POV

Ever since the day Justin and I had admitted our feelings towards each other I had a mix with butterflies and bees inside my stomach. On one hand I was sure I was crazy about that boy, and though it angered me I have to admit I had liked him from the moment I met him. He might irritate me, but he also is the only one I can talk straight to or get comfort without feeling an idiot. On the other hand, the fact that we were technically family stood in our way like a wall of stone. Felipe's beloved nephew would not ever be a right match for me.

I knew it was better to let this go. I just simply didn't want to.

"Hey" I replied to the incoming call awkwardly. I heard a sigh coming from the other side of the phone in the middle of my silent room.

"I'm sorry I called" he apologized but didn't say much else, so I knew I'd have to take the lead from there.

"I don't mind. Actually I was kind of thinking about you" I admitted trying to sound confident.

"Me too. Damn you, I can't get you off my head" he chuckled with charm making me let out a laugh as well. "I'm crazy, am I not?" he asked mostly to himself but I felt the need to reply.

"If you are then I am" I came to the most logic conclusion. "Listen, I... I think we should stop talking about how crazy, right or wrong this is. Perhaps we should focus on what are we going to do about it" I spoke with such maturity I apparently had amazed Justin on the other side of the line.

"You're right. Maybe we should just take it easy until we figure out what this really is" he suggested but didn't sound much convinced about the idea of us not speaking to each other.

"Yeah maybe" I said deep in thought as I bit my lower lip. Did I want that?

"I know it doesn't sound good but we'll find some time for ourselves. Don't worry about that" Justin added having apparently read my mind.

"I wasn't" I huffed in annoyance. I hated when people thought they knew me that much.

"Sure" he giggled at my stubbornness. Then I heard a firm yet somehow soft knock on the door that could only come from one person in this house, so I decided to end the conversation quickly.

"I gotta go. I'll text you in a bit" I hurried myself before pressing the red button and grabbing the first books I could that were scattered on my bed.

Just in time, Felipe made his entrance.

"Sam?" he called for me before poking his head inside my room and took a look of my body language that screamed I did not wish to be interrupted.

"Yes Felipe, I am doing my homework" I got ahead of the situation and not without certain cockiness in my voice, wiggling the first book I got my hands on to his face. Somehow he decided to skip on the lecture for the attitude. His way of proceeding had certainly poked my curiosity.

"That's great Sam, but you know you don't need to put your shoes on the bed to do so" he pointed at my cladded feet on the covers.

"Finee. There you go" I dragged my words in a whine, unconsciously taking advantage of his lenient demeanor. I still quickly kicked off my sneakers and tossed them on the floor. Lenient didn't by any chance meant stupid.

"Listen Sam... I kinda need to ask your for a small favor" he made his introduction to the subject in question and I prepared myself on the inside.

"Yes? How may I help you?" I said pretending not to be interested at all, keeping my eyes trained on the book I had grabbed, but sure as hell my ears were still listening.

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