Chapter 25: Unspoken feelings

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Sam's POV

I had gotten to hurt my fingers of how badly I was biting my nails and picking on my cuticles. I was nervous about the twin's punishment, which I knew from the experience it would be serious shit. Still there was something else eating my brain inside out. What was with Justin taking the blame for me? He certainly wasn't willing to do it just for the twins. I weighed the options of him just changing his mind about it, but other memories invaded me when I tried. He had kept quiet about me sneaking out to the infamous judges meeting back when we first met, and no less he had just lied to Felipe's face again to cover me up for my grandma's thing. He knew I was a private person and I prefered that event to stay under the carpet, and what surprised me even more of him knowing me so well was him actually respecting that. It almost felt like he was looking after me. Why I have no idea. I had made it crystal clear that I don't need anyone to protect me. I can very much do that on my own. That's something Felipe never wanted to understand, and apparently it runs in the family.

Days passed by after that small episode until I got to talk to Justin again. If we ever crossed roads in school he'd just pretend I wasn't there, and far from making me drop the subject it just poked my curiosity even more. Ever since I met that guy he had been the most puzzling person I ever got involved with. But I'd put the pieces together this afternoon. I had asked Felipe to invite uncle Matt over to dinner so I could show him some new songs I had been working on, and he seemed pleased when he added Justin would come too and I didn't complain. Little did he know I had a plan. Well... it was more like an ambush.

My mom was busy with dinner to notice any of us would be out of sight for a while. Felipe and his brother were chatting happily where Justin was just oddly standing there, like counting the seconds for this visit to be over. But before he leaves I'd get some answers.

-Alexa, come here, I whisper shouted to my sister so she approached to me with that annoying look of "what the hell do you want" look.

-What?, she asked and I tried not to focus on her irritating tone.

-I need you to tell Justin to go get you something from the piano room, I said not even bothering on my manners with my sisters. We had a code... sort of.

-Pst. Do it yourself, she said sharply but she didn't get to turn around before she gave in. I had a card up my sleeve.

-I'll tell dad you're struggling with maths, I said lifting an eyebrow at her daring her not to do what I asked.

-Fine. Weirdo, she mumbled in the end but went to do as I asked. Now all I had to do was wait.

When I heard the door of the piano room I knew it was now or never. I almost cowered in the end, but I was strong and shut the door of the room loudly behind my cousin, causing him to jump almost a foot in the air in surprise.

-Geez. What the hell is your problem?, he questioned me trying to pretend he was mad instead of scared like a lamb.

-You're avoiding me, I stated coldly while trying to keep my cool in this. It's not that I cared being ignored by him, but it had poked my curiosity so badly I could barely think about something else those days.

-Stating the obvious. Yes, so?, he said turning around and reaching behind to scratch the back of his neck. Oh I got him there.

-So? What did I do? We were supposed to be in truce!, I complained loudly to him immediately getting frustrated by his lack of emotion.

-Jesus Sam, grow up, he said trying to go around me but I put my arm across his chest to stop him.

-Why didn't you tell Felipe about that night I snuck out?, I asked point black and I saw how he visibly paled at my words. He probably wasn't expecting me to be so outfront. He should really get used to it.

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