Chapter 1: The everyday routine

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The alarm woke me up at exactly 6.30 am. Time to wake up Felipe, I encouraged myself to get off the bed. I rolled over and stretched my arms to wrap them around my wife's body, but she wasn't there anymore. A very clear sign that it was more than about time to get the girls up. C'mon Felipe. Someone has to wake this girls up for school, I talked to myself again.

I groaned in the comfort of my sheets. Why me? It's a civil war every single morning to wake up the five of them and get them ready for school. Sometimes I consider seriously calling Supernanny, but I bet the only thing she'd do is to criticize how I've raised my kids instead of waking them up for school. Hmp, modern psychology. I don't argue against the fact that there are lots of lazy parents in this world, but we're not guilty for everything our children do or not do. I promise, when my girls turn into successful grownups (and I know by fact they will) I'm gonna publish a book: "I spanked my kids and they have no psychological issues". I'm gonna be a millionaire, you'll see.

I glanced at the clock that marked 6.40. Ok now I do have to get up. I sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed my face tiredly. Almost automatically I headed myself directly to the twins room first. I slowly opened the door and gently shook my beautiful Trini's body.

-Come on girls, time to wake up. Hurry up, I said fondly patting Kim's back as well. I almost felt guilty for interrupting the peaceful sleep of my daughters, but I didn't have much of choice.

-Ugh daddy it's soooo early. Five more minutes pleeease, Kim whined covering her head with a pillow. They always say the same. Of course those five minutes usually turn into 30 minutes instead.

-Not a chance young lady. I'm going to wake up your sisters, and I want you two up and getting ready for school, ok baby?, I said kissing my daughter's cheeks, I don't want to come back and find you in bed, I warned them standing under the frame of the door looking at my still sleepy five years old children.

-Yes daddy, I heard them mumbling from under the covers. Probably they didn't even hear me, but I could come back in a minute. I walked towards the next ones in the list: Alexa and Melanie. These aren't gonna be so hard. Usually Alexa doesn't give me much trouble, she's more a morning person like me, and they both know to be up the second I call them.

I entered to their room and opened the blinds, letting all the morning sun bright invade the place.

-Daddy! Shut them, Melanie complained sitting on her bed. She rubbed her eyes to adjust them to the bright light and then looked at me with her eyes narrowed.

-It's already 6.45. Time to wake up and go to school. Wake your sister up for me please, I said turning around to go the hardest one: my 13 years old daughter, Sam. I heard Alexa getting up and opening her closet to get changed. No doubt she's exactly like her father. A morning and energetic person. I knocked Sam's door and, since I had no answer, I opened it and made my way to my daughter's bed.

-Sam... Sam wake up. Come on love, I softly said gently shaking her body to wake her up.

She turned around her face to look at me, her eyes narrowed and an annoyed expression present, then buried it back into the pillow with her best arrogant attitude as usual. I growled a little bit in response of her rude attitude. Here we go again people. But this time I'd waste no time in this chore. I simply reached the edge of the covers and pulled them away, releasing Sam from the safety of her cocoon of sheets. Now she knew better than to give me an attitude.

-Be down in five Sam. Don't be late please, I told her with the most stern expression I could muster. I got to hear Sam's muffled voice from under the pillow over her head, but lucky her I didn't catch up with what she said.

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