Chapter 2: Learning some respect

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If there is something I just cannot stand is her being a brat, specially towards her mother while I'm out at work. I opened the door of Sam's bedroom to find her talking on her cellphone with God knows who. More than likely her best friend Karen

-Drop it now Samantha. We need to talk, I said shutting the door behind me, staring down at her. She quickly hung up and threw her phone under the pillow. She wasn't looking at me, but I could see the rush had gone and now she was facing everything she did terribly wrong that day.

-I sincerely can't believe you Sam. Was it really that hard to let it go? Even when your mother told you no twice and I told you to drop the attitude more times than I can count with my hands, you still went on and on about how you wanted to go out. Can you even explain your attitude towards us today?, I asked her not raising my voice more than necessary. She gulped a couple times and then spoke.

-Well I was... I mean... I was upset. I wanted to go out, she mumbled while fidgeting with her rings over her lap.

-Oh, so you wanted to go out?, I asked and she nodded her head quietly while biting her lower lip, probably holding in everything she really wanted to say.

-Yes, she said keeping her voice down.

-So you were disrespectful and acted like a brat, and where did that lead you? To go out or to get punished?

-The second, she mumbled again mixed with a little growling.

-I have a question for you Sam. From where do you got the idea that you can treat your mother like that and get unpunished?, I said next raising my brows to her.

-Ugh, just because I yelled at your little piece of sugar, she countered while rolling her eyes at me. Alright, enough was enough.

-Samantha Rachel Carton, I raised my voice quite much and she reacted flinching a bit to being called by her full name, You're gonna be grounded for two weeks from now. And for tomorrow no phone, no computer and I mean it. You cannot even touch them. You'll hand me your stuff after I put you back into your place young lady, I said while taking off my belt and holding it in my right hand.

-Dad, come on!, she complained not scared, but clearly annoyed by the fact of not having her electronics for a day.

-I don't have time for playing games Samantha, I warned her coldly to show her I was dead serious, Pull them down and bend over the bed, I said next pointing to her shorts. She hid her face behind her hair as she unbuttoned her pants, pulling them down along with her underwear before laying down her torso over the edge of her bed.

I wasted no time and started with the punishment she had rightfully earned. I wanted it to be over soon as bad as her.

-If you ever SMACK SMACK SMACK treat your mother like that again SMACK SMACK SMACK I'm gonna belt your bare backside so hard SMACK SMACK SMACK that you're not gonna be able to sit comfortably in WEEKS SMACK SMACK Am I understood young lady?

-OWWW OWWW OOWW yes, yes Sir, I'm sorry. Sorry dad!, she said with fat tears rolling down her cheeks. She was all tough until she was facing the consequences of her acts.

-Good SMACK, I said with one last hard smack to her thighs and then put my belt back on, I mean it Sam. Enough with this attitude you've been having today. I don't want a repeat of this, do you understand?

-Yes... yes sir, she added quickly after a hiccup.

-Ok, I said fondly rubbing her back to calm her down, It's ok now sweetie, it's over.

After a minute or so she got up and carefully pulled her clothes up. She turned around and looked at me like waiting for something. You should know she's not really the cuddling kind of person my other daughters are, specially after a spanking, yet she knows I don't leave the room until I make sure they're ok.

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