Forelsket- (adj.) The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love.
Deena is BadBoyHalo's sister...well half sister. She loves video games but only recently decided to join her brother with his shenanigans, and she meets some of the m...
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🤍 12,367 💬3,627 Deenalightz> I'm going to start streaming in a few hours! You should definitely pop in :)
BadBoyHalo> with who, because you're not streaming with me.
Baileywastaken> why did bad comment??!
Cheshirecallie> ew why did bad comment. Back off of the boys girlie.
Skeppy> sorry about the raid didn't know you didn't want one :(( j.k. You're welcome
sheilla18> I'll be there!!!
Mirasun> cannot waittttt love you !! <3
I took a deep breath as more comments flooded in about Darryl and Zak. I'm honestly scared about the fan base. Some are really rude. It is strange, because just yesterday I only had around 500 followers on any social media; I have nearly 16,000 now. But that is of course due to Zak and Darryl. I am of course happy that they helped out, but I did want to see how I would do on my own. I don't want to be popular because of my brother. I decided it was best to take my mind off of things and go to the coffee shop by my house. I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone before walking out. I live in Florida, unlike Darryl. I moved here when I turned 18, I hated it in Ohio (that's where bad lives in this). Of course I miss my family, but I needed to be happier with what's around me, and the community I'm in. I hopped In my car and drove off to the coffee shop. The drive is only about 15 minutes long, and it's so amazing there it's worth it. I listened to A.M. 180, by granddaddy while I pulled out. The streets were extremely busy and annoying. After driving in crowded roads and getting stressed over traffic, this coffee is about to feel amazing. I listened to a few more songs before the small beige building came into view. I let out a sigh of relief before walking in.
"Awe Deena!" Miss Chesterfield spoke once she saw me walk in. "How great is it to see you, honey" "Hi Miss Chesterfield, it's great to see you too!" I smiled and sat by the bar. "Will it be the usual?" She smiled while walking by with a pot of coffee. "Of course" I smiled while grabbing my wallet. My hands were stopped by someone else's. "It's on the house sweetie, I can tell you're stressed over something. That spark in your eyes isn't as bright this evening" she said while pointing at me. I simply nodded my head and put my wallet away. I looked around while bouncing my leg up and down, patiently waiting for my coffee and piece of apple pie. Right as I thought of my food she brought it up and placed it in front of me. "Here you are, enjoy" "Thank you Miss Chesterfield" I smiled. "Deena we have been over this for the past year, please just call me Sheryl" she smiled. "You know I can't do that Miss Chesterfield" I laughed while taking a bit of my pie. She playfully rolled her eyes and strolled away to a couple in a booth. I finished my coffee and stood up looking for Miss Chesterfield to say goodbye. "She just went into the bathroom, D" I heard and looked up to Ian, the cook, wiping his hands off with a towel. His brown hair was a mess and he had flower all over his clothes and apron.