Deena's POV
At some point this morning I fell back asleep, I don't remember when but I woke up with nick practically on top of me on the couch. I groaned and looked around to see George on the end of the couch. He heard me and laughed, getting up to pull nick off. He swatted his hands away a few times before he sat up and I did the same, stretching.
"What time is it?" Nick groaned and rubbed his eyes. Clay walked in from the kitchen, handing us both plates of pancakes with strawberries and blueberries. My face lit up and I immediately started to eat.
"12:00" he laughed and my eyes went wide as I ate my food. Nick jus shrugged his shoulders as we ate, watching Tom and Jerry which was already on the tv.
"I never sleep in that long" I said while I looked at George and he shook his head.
"Well you were awake from like 12 to 5 last night. You fell back asleep after you yelled at Nick for snoring." He laughed and nick gave us a confused look.
"Why were you awake?" He took a sip from his cup of orange juice Clay just gave us and furrowed his eyebrows.
"I couldn't sleep so I went out and stargazed" I smiled before getting back to my breakfast. "This is really good you better make me breakfast more often, Clay"
"Wellll" he started and rubbed his hands together, getting ready to say something. "Today's the day we get to go to the rental house we got at the beach!"
"That's today!?" I nearly choked on my orange juice, making them all laugh at me, George and Clay saying yes. "I need to pack!" I shot you from the couch and went to Clay's room, grabbing my phone and bag before brushing my teeth and pulling my hair in a pony tail. Clay walked in the room as I was tying my shoes and opened his closet.
"George us driving you" he said while grabbing a bag for himself. Of course he didn't pack yet either. My head shot up and I looked at him with confusion.
"Why?" I stood up and walked over to him. He stopped from throwing random shirts and hoodies in his bag and sadly smiled.
"Just for safety measures." He went back to packing, and I didn't push any further, just smiling and nodding my head. "Text me when you're on the way back"
"Okay I will. See you in a little bit" I smiled and gave him a light hug before walking out and making my way to the guest room where George went. I opened the door and he spun around l, not wearing anything but a pair of sweatpants. I practically slapped myself with how fast my hand covered my eyes and I started wheezing.
"Hurry up!" I said loudly and turned around, walking back into the living room.
"Oh shut it! I'm trying!" He laughed back and I shook my head, sitting next to buck again. He groaned and laid his head in my lap, looking up at me and giving me a look.
"What?" I asked with confusion and smiled.
"You were playing with my hair after you woke me up this morning. At like 5 by the way so do it again it felt good" he said, the last part being a little muffled as he grabbed a pillow and shoved his face into it. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms until he turned back to look at me. "Please?" He gave a big fake grin and I shook my head and laughed, starting to try and braid his shorter hair. I waited for about five more minutes until George walked out of the room, shaking his head and laughing at the sight.
"He's asleep again" he laughed and put his bags by the front door. I looked down and sure enough he was passed out. I took it upon myself to slap his head, making him shoot up with annoyance.
"What was that for!?"
"Go get ready you dimwit" I smiled and got up. He rolled his eyes at me and got up, making his way to get ready in the guest room too. I followed behind George and we made our way out of the house. It was quiet, but it was configurable. I got in the passenger seat as he started driving.
"Keep going until you see cline, then you'll turn right on Troy" I said and he nodded. We were listening to smashing pumpkins and I watched as we passed each building.
"I know how to get there" I smiled and looked over to me. I cocked my head and gave him a questioning look before he spoke again. "We came here a few days ago, when we were um.. looking for you"
"Oh okay" that's all I said, I didn't want to get upset today. I know pushing back all your feelings is bad, but I can't ruin everyone's visit because of something I caused. We pulled up to my house and I got out. I realized I didn't hear the other car door and turned to see George on his phone. I walked up to the drivers side and knocked on the window, scaring him and making him spin his head towards the window. I pulled the car door open and looked at him, laughing.
"You're coming with me" I laughed, making him smile and get up, following behind me. I unlocked the door and walked in.
"It's so clean in here woah" he said while looking around in admiration. I looked at him as if I was saying 'really?' And shook my head.
"Did you expect it to be a mess?" I laughed and he quickly shook his head.
"No! I just" he laughed at himself. "It's really nice, Deena" I smiled and nodded my head, pinching his sleeve and leading him to my room.
"This is my room" I said while opening my closet and grabbing two of my suitcases. He walked around, looking at all the decorations and posters before finally making his gaze to my set up.
"Woahhh" he said while sitting down. He spun in the chair and stopped to face me, a giant grin on his face. "This is a cool set up"
"Thanks" I laughed as I threw random outfits together and putting them in my bags. He admired my PC for a few more minutes before getting up and clapping his hands together. "What?"
"Give me a tour" he smiled and I laughed at him, walking oh of my room. He followed close behind, looking at each and every detail as if he was trying to remember it all.
"This is the living room where I drown all of my sorrows in ice cream!" I said and turned around to him. He had a sad look on his face but replaced it once he saw me smiling. "This way is the two guest bedrooms I have! This one is more grey-ish and this one is blue-ish. I never really go in there though because it's haunted" I pointed into the grey room and he spun around quickly, avoiding it.
"Never going in there!" He said and I laughed at him before we walked into my kitchen.
"This is my food palace! You will find lots of ramen and ice cream. Also seaweed" I smiled and opened my pantry revealing my stash.
"Dibs!" He grabbed a pack, ripping it open and beginning to eat it. I laughed at him once again and made my way to the dining room.
"Here's the dining table I never use! And over there is just a bunch of random shit in boxes" I laughed and spun around to him again. He was very concentrated on his snack. I began walking back to my room and he didn't realize I had walked away until like thirty seconds later.
"You disappeared!" He groaned and sat in my chair again. "And you never showed me where the bathroom is I do have to pee"
"Oh my bathroom is right there of course, but the other bathroom is by the guest rooms" I smiled and turned to him. He had wide eyes and shook his head. "Go to the other bathroom" I smirked and he gulped in nervousness. He slowly got up and threw his steady away, slowly walking to the bathroom. I laughed at him and pack my brushes and few makeup products I use before I heard an ear piercing scream. I dropped my brush and bolted to where he was and saw him standing on the counter, pointing to the floor by the shower. "What is it!?"
"A spider!" He shouted and I looked at him in annoyance. I walked over and sure enough there was a small spider. I picked in up and vegans to walk out with it before I moved my hand towards him. "Don't do that!" He shrieked and I laughed at him, putting the spider outside. I walked back to my room to see him crossing his arms in 'anger'
"Oh come on! It was a tiny spider!" I laughed, making him smile again. I finished packing and locked up the house, getting into the car and going back to Clay's
(A/N: thank you so much for 2k reads! And I also changed the title because I never like the original title lol.)

Forelsket ~ GeorgeNotFound
FanfictionForelsket- (adj.) The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love. Deena is BadBoyHalo's sister...well half sister. She loves video games but only recently decided to join her brother with his shenanigans, and she meets some of the m...