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Deena's POV

Clay was finally calmed down after people read my Twitter thread explanation. We were sitting in the living room watching whatever was on the tv, even though we were all on our phones. I stood up and stretched, getting ready to head down to my room.

"Goodnight guys" I smiled and waved "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Don't forget about the funeral" I looked down and started walking before hearing someone speak and fast footsteps make their way behind me. I turned around and saw George. He softly smiled at me while we walked down the stairs before I walked into my room. I went to get ready for bed and brush my teeth, and saw George in the bathroom already brushing his. I walked in anyways and hit him with my him to make him scoot over as I started brushing my own. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye and I looked in the mirror. He looked up also and I pulled my toothbrush away and gave him a big grin. He groaned and shoved me with his right arm, rolling his eyes.

"That was disgusting" he groaned after finding out his mouth. I rinsed mine out and laughed at him.

"Oh come on don't be a wuss" I smiled and wiped my face with a towel. He did the same and I walked towards my room and stopped in my tracks when I heard someone following me. I turned around and George was standing there with a smile. I rolled my eyes and started pushing against his chest to spin him around before pushing his back. "That's your room" I laughed and he spun around, making my hand hit the wall I clenched my hand to my stomach, letting out a groan in pain before his eyes went wide and he rushed over to me.

"Oh my god I am so sorry" he spoke quickly while I his my smile, soon not being able to hold it in and busted out laughing. He let go of me and stared at me with annoyance as I continued to laugh, having to sit down. I looked up at him as tears pricked at my eyes, my laughing making it feel like I had gotten abs. He finally broke into a smile and rolled his eyes. "Never do that again I felt bad"

"Okay okay! Just don't give me the opportunityyyyyy" I wheezed at the last word and he started to laugh at me. I took a deep breath and sighed. "Go to sleep you Brit" I smiled and he shook his head, waking to the bathroom, standing there before slowly shutting the door and peeking his head out at the same time. "Goodnighttt"

"Goodnight, D" he laughed and finally shut the door, leaving me to finally sleep. I fell asleep in about an hour, after tossing and turning for what felt like all night. I felt the darkness engulf me and I fell into a deep slumber. I just hoped I wouldn't have a nightmare.

George's POV

I didn't go to sleep. I stayed up watching the hangover and I started the hangover to before I heard a loud thud in Deena's room. I slowly got up, making sure to pause the movie, before I opened my side of the bathroom door and put my ear up against hers. I heard talking, almost whispering, for about a minute before an ear piercing scream rang in my ears. I swung open the door and immediately ran to her bed, holding her shoulders and trying to wake her up. Her eyes shot open and widened at the sight of someone standing over her and she scooted backwards. She was shaking but then realized it was me and launched herself into my arms, sobbing.

"Hey it's okay" I whispered and rubbed her back, sitting myself down in the bed and pulling her into my lap. I was sitting with my back against the wall and had her legs over mine. Her arms were wrapped around my neck and I held her gently. "It was just a dream"

"It wasn't" she cried and I pulled back to look in her eyes. "It was a memory. It all played back" she shook her head and let out another sob. I soon heard loud footsteps and the door swung open to a worried Darryl. I'm assuming he heard her screaming and his expression deepened at the sound of her crying. Deena clearly didn't hear him open the door by the way she didn't even bother to look. He relaxed and looked at me, mouthing 'is she okay?' With worried eyes. I nodded and smiled, making him smile softly.

'Thank you' he mouthed and I nodded. He slowly shut the door and I looked back down at Deena.

"I have a small surprise" I smiled and her head slowly looked up, hole in her eyes that it was a good one. "Come with me" I stood up and slowly pulled her with me. We walked outside and we made our way to the top Balcony that faced the ocean. She stood there before I tugged her sleeve that we were there yet. She followed me to a small staircase that led to a platform on the roof. Her eyes widened and tried to push me to make me go faster. There were two wooden beach chairs on top, perfect for star gazing.

"I didn't even see this" she smiled and quickly sat down. I followed her actions and sat in the other chair, looking up.

"I didn't see it until after dinner right before we left and I came out here for a minute. I wanted to show you but you went to sleep." I smiled and looked over to her. She shut her eyes and I laughed.

"What?" She asked with confusion.

"You can't see the stars if your eyes are closed" I smiled and she rolled her eyes, opening them and looking at me.

"Let me relax, you Brit" I realized she had called me this twice today and laughed.

"I guess that's my new name" I smiled and she nodded, not taking her eyes off of the stars anymore. We laid there in silence, the soft sound of waved crashing into the shore, and the wind softly blowing. It was nice and calm, and it smelled amazing. "Do you like it-"

"I love it" she barely let me finish my sentence and smiled. She didn't seem tired but I knew we should go inside so I slowly stood up, her head spinning to me. "Where are you going?"

"Deena we need to go to sleep, we have to be up early" I held my hand out and she slowly took it, getting up and making our way down to our rooms. I offered to sleep on her floor or in the recliner that was in her room just incase but she insisted I stay in my bed, and finished the movie that kept her up earlier. I laughing and slowly shut the door, saying goodnight once again before crashing until the morning.

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