Deena's POV
He had a knife.
"M-Max?" I stuttered our, looking between him and the knife in his left hand. He slowly walked towards me and slowly traced my cheek with it. I stayed as still as possible, trying not to move against the blade. I was holding my breath and looked over to see Miranda's eyes wide.
"Hey princess" he smirked and I immediately smelled strong tequila. I held my breath as he quickly swiped the blade across my face, causing it to slice my cheek open. I winced in pain, not making any noise, knowing it'd only tempt him even more. "Oops. That's gonna leave a scar"
"Max cut it out" I heard Miranda growl from her seat, and I felt my stomach drop as he snapped his head towards her. He started stomping over to her quickly before I said something.
"Stop!" I shouted at him as he got closer to her. He groaned and turned towards me.
"Jesus Christ! Denise" he laughed loudly as he stood there, soon turning towards the door. I sighed as he made his way out before he spun around and chucked the knife at me. I squinted my eyes and held my bread when I heard a loud noise. "You're lucky" I slowly opened my eyes when he shut the door and looked over to my right to see the knife stuck in the chair right next to my head.
"Holy shit are you okay?" Miranda breathed out. "Your face is bleeding a lot"
"I'm fine" I held back a cry as I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Soon enough Miranda fell asleep, but I was struggling to even close my eyes without jerking from fear at a small noise. I sat there for what felt like hours, but by the small change in lighting, I could tell it wasn't nearly that long. It's been almost three days. Does anyone know I'm gone yet? Are the guys worried?
Clay's POV:
I was terrified. It's almost been three days and all three of us are worried sick. We tried calling the cops but they said they couldn't do anything until it had been 48 hours. I called them again once it hit 48 and all they could do was say she was missing. No searches were put out. Apparently no one has heard from her friend Miranda either. It was getting Scary.
"Oh shit!" I shouted as I ran to my phone. George and Nicks heads snapped towards me as I picked it up. "Darryl." I stared at them with sadness as they're eyes sunk. I let the phone ring a few times before he picked up.
"Clay? Hey what's up?" He seemed like his cheerful self. I felt terrible.
"Hey Darryl" I paused and looked at the guys and they nodded.
"Is everything okay? You sound upset"
"Darryl... it's Denise" I stated sadly as I heard him suck in a breath. Silence overcame the phone call before he breathed out shakily.
"W-what do you mean it's Denise? What happened?"
"She hasn't answered anyone in almost 3 days... and her phone is turned off"
"Oh my god, Clay....Max"
George's POV:
I felt my heart drop as he said that. Max was out. What if he got to her? What if he killed her? I shot up from the couch and bolted to the door, grabbing the rental car's keys me and nick got and slamming the door behind me. I heard the door swung open and nick stood there. I had the car door opened and we stared at each other for a moment.
"What are you doing?" He said loudly with a low tone.
"I'm going to find her. She said before that Miranda lived near her it can't be that hard." I was angry. I felt the blood inside of me boiling. She had become one of the closest people to me in such a small amount of time. But I still cared about her. I watched nick run inside before running out and getting in the car with me. "What are you doing? What about Clay?"
"He's staying there incase something happens. If she shows up or if she calls him." I looked over and saw his eyes filling with tears as he played with his hands. He cared about her too. They had became best friends in the past month and talk about everything with each other. He misses her. We all do. "George what if she's-"
"Don't" I slammed my hands against the wheel and gripped onto it tightly, causing Nick to flinch. "Mention that. Please" I came out a little softer and he nodded, realizing it wasn't the best thing to say. I pulled out of the driveway and started driving to her house. We finally pulled in and bolted to the door. We checked around the house and saw no signs of a break in or anyone being there.
"Nothing" Nick groaned as we made our way back to the car. We decided to check the park by her house and saw nothing there either. "Where could her friend live?" Nick groaned and put his head in his hands. I could tell he was holding back tons of emotions. We drove around for hours. Weaving in and out of neighborhoods looking for her car. We still found nothing. It had been hours. We left Clay's place at 6 pm and it was now 9 pm.
"We have to go back soon" I stated as I looked over to Nick. We were at a stop light and he slowly nodded. I started driving to his house once again. The silence was sad, just like the two of us and the friend we left back at home. The street lights added to the mood around us, along with the faint music playing. We pulled up to his house and slowly walked inside. Clay still sat on the couch. He was leaning over and had his arms folded over his legs, with his head laying on top.
"Anything?" It was a sad, low mumble.
"No" Nick responded with almost the same tone. Clay stood up and he looked really sad. "What happened with Darryl?"
"We stayed on the phone for about an hour. He cried. He can't come down here though because of personal stuff. It sucks." Clay looked a mess. His hair was messed up from him pulling at it. Nick sulked over to Clay and embraced him in a sad hug. I stood there with my hands in my pockets and looked at Clay, saying goodnight with a nod and heading to the guest room, which still seemed empty.
We only got to spend one day with her. What if she really was gone? What if he already killed her and we don't even get to say goodbye?

Forelsket ~ GeorgeNotFound
FanfictionForelsket- (adj.) The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love. Deena is BadBoyHalo's sister...well half sister. She loves video games but only recently decided to join her brother with his shenanigans, and she meets some of the m...