Nick's POV
Staying in the hospital over night was not what anyone wanted. Me and George were in the waiting room for hours. It's 4:23 am now and we still haven't been able to see Clay or Deena. Darryl was the first person we called and he's trying his best to get down here as fast as he can. He said tomorrow he'll try to leave. Miranda was dead. Deena was still out, and Clay had to get a small surgery for a pin in his shoulder. They told us she was officially dead as soon as we got here. We don't know how to tell Deena. She knows she most likely didn't make it, but having to approve it to be true will hurt her a lot. George fell asleep. He hasn't slept almost at all for days. I can't close my eyes without seeing Clay get shot, or Miranda's limp body on the ground. A nurse dropped a clip board and it made a loud sound and I almost shouted at the amount of fear it brought me. People looked at me crazy, but they let it go. It's happened a few times, small noises that remind me of gun shots made me jump. I saw a doctor coming towards me and let a small smile, making me sit up and shake George awake.
"Clay's approved for visitors" he nodded and I shut up, dragging George's half asleep body with me. I ran into the door while Clay smiled.
"I can tell people I got shot now" he cracked a dumb joke before I hugged him, being gentle. George did the same before flicking him in the head. "Ow!"
"Don't make jokes you could have died." He deadpanned and Clay frowned.
"Is Deena awake?" He asked as he sat up. I looked down and shook my head. "Is she in a coma?" He seemed scared by my reaction.
"No she's passed out. She fainted in the ambulance" George sighed and leaned back in the chair. Clay stood up and stretched his uninjured arm. "Are you allowed to get up?"
"Yeah I'm free to go home. But we're not leaving Deena. And we're going to the waiting room as soon as I clean myself up" I just now noticed he had blood on his neck, hands, and face as he walked to the bathroom. We had stopped by his house and grabbed some of his clothes for him, and some of George's for Deena when she woke up. When he walked out we went to the waiting room for about an hour, playing chess and solitaire on our phones before a nurse came to us saying she was approved for visitors, but was still asleep. We walked in and George took a sharp breath in at the sight of her. She had stitches on her face and four of her fingers were casted. She had gauze on her forehead from getting his in the head, and had blood on her skin and arms from Clay. We waited for an hour. I bounced my leg aggressively while Clay kept squinting his eyes closed to make sure it wasn't all a dream. We all wanted it to be a dream, but it wasn't. George had his seat next to the bad and was slowly braiding small pieces of her hair, which he was surprisingly good at.
"She looks like a fairy" he beamed a smile at the two of us and I smiled back, Clay just shaking his head.
"One that got stomped on by Captain Hook, sure" he chuckled and we both sighed.
"That's not nice" all of our heads spun to see the girl the quiet, raspy voice came from. She weakly smiled at us. "Hey guys"
"Oh my god hi" Clay stood up and walked over to her, hugging her gently. George pulled away and she smiled at us.
"Thank god you're okay" I smiled widely as I hugged her too, George right after me. She looked back at George, then at his hands, and back to him before grabbing one of the small braids in her hair.
"Why'd you stop?" She questioned and we all looked to the British guy in the room.
"Yeah, George, why'd you stop!?" I smacked his arm and he let out a quick 'hey!' Before we all laughed.
"What's the damage?" Clay asked and we all turned to see who he was talking to. A nurse had walked into the room and smiled.
"Well the cut in her face, 23 stitches. Small cuts on her forehead, four fractured fingers, and a bruises" Deena widened her eyes at the woman.
"My ribs aren't broken?!" She smiled widely and tried to shift so she could sit up, which needed assistance from Clay since she couldn't put pressure on her hands.
"Nope! You're just bruised over your stomach. Whoever did this was not strong" she smiled and let a small laugh, followed by the rest of us.
"I was scared to move because I thought it would hurt a lot." She laughed and we all smiled at her, since she was able to laugh and smile. "How much will this all cost?"
"Your insurance covered it" the nurse handed a clipboard to Clay, "and you don't need to be watched over night so both of you can go home. Your antibiotics are at the desk when you turn right." Clay handed back the clipboard, which I'm assuming was just information about her injuries. George helped her stand up and she lightly winced in pain from soreness in her legs. Once we made it to the car she called shotgun and made her way to the car, leaving me and George behind her in Clay.
"She hasn't mentioned her" George said sadly and looked at the ground while we walked.
"She probably doesn't want to" I added and he nodded. She turned around to us, noticing she was ahead, and walked to us, before latching onto the both of us. We were shocked but hugged back.
"Thank you so much" she said and pulled back, opening the car door and getting in. I looked over and saw George smiled before we got in the car. Is she ever going to ask about her? Will she ever want to face the fact that she's gone? The car ride was quiet and we were almost home before Deena whispered to us.
"She's dead isn't she?"

Forelsket ~ GeorgeNotFound
FanfictionForelsket- (adj.) The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love. Deena is BadBoyHalo's sister...well half sister. She loves video games but only recently decided to join her brother with his shenanigans, and she meets some of the m...