Closed doors

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Deena's POV

As he walked away I knew I messed up, and I knew I wasn't the only one who knew that when my door opened. I sighed and put my head in my hands at the sight of Clay walking in with a concerned look on his face.

"Clay I'm sorry I said that" I took a deep breath and looked up to him. He had a small frown but nodded anyway.

"It's okay" a smile showed up in his face and I nodded, barely smiling back. We sat there for a minute in silence. "I think he's upset"

"You think?" I laughed in a 'seriously' type of way and he scratched his neck. He kept opening his mouth to say something but would shut it immediately.

"Have I really been stressing you out?" I felt terrible. The look on his face showed it upset him a lot too.

"No, Clay I'm just stressed and didn't know what to say" I shook my head.

"But why did you say me and George? You could have just said yo-"

"I know" I interrupted him, not wanting to continue the conversation. It was quiet and he started to stand up. "I'm sorry" I stayed looking at the ground.

"It's okay" he smiled and messed up my hair before walking out. I fixed my hair with a smiled on my face and waited for George to get out of the shower. I scrolled though my phone and heard the door unlock. I shot up and quickly opened the door, barely catching him.

"George-" I smiled but all he did was look at me and shut his door immediately. I couldn't do anything but stand there, staring at the closed door. "George?"

The silence was enough for me to know he doesn't want to talk to me. I decided to try to ignore it and just shower. But of course, that didn't help. I stood in the shower for about 20 minutes just letting the water run down my back before I even did anything. I just stood there and let my mind run a million miles per hour. The only reason I actually cleaned up was because I wanted to finish so I could talk to Darryl. I miss him a lot, and per usual, he's always busy.

"Can you hurry up?" I heard George mumble from the other side of his door while I put my clothes on. I quickly unlocked his door and he opened it before just standing still and staring at me. I turned and he cocked his head to the side before motioning toward my door. "I have to piss"

Okay he's really upset. I grabbed my phone and slumped up the stairs to the balcony before dialing Darryl's number. It rang multiple times before I got to his voice mail.

"Shit" I whispered under my breath before pulling up another contact. It was Miranda's. I didn't even think, and just stared at my phone before the waterworks started coming. Why is this still an instinct, to call her? She's gone. She isn't going to pick up, she isn't going to see the call, she isn't going to hear a voicemail, and she isn't coming back. Should I delete her contact? No no no, that would hurt.

"D?" I spun around when Nick opened the door before spinning back around to wipe my face. "Woah are you crying?" He walked towards me and turned me around by my shoulder.

"I'm okay" I sniffled and smiled while I hid my phone behind me, but I was way to obvious about it when he noticed and looked past me to try and see it. I didn't resist when he reached for it and I saw his eyes sink at my screen.

"Deena.." he looked back up to me and I smiled, trying to fight back the tears more. "Oh god I'm sorry"

"It hurts" I choked out and he quickly pulled me into a hug, and I started to cry. "I really try not to show how empty I have been feeling but it hurts so bad. I miss her and I know I can't see her ever again"

"I-" he paused and tried to find the right words to say. "I really don't understand how you feel right now, so I can't say I do, but what I do know is that you will get through it, Denise. You are one of the strongest people I have every met. Emotionally and physically considering your punches really do hurt."

"Yeah" I laughed through my tears and wiped my face and smiling. "Thank you"

"Oh no of course" he smiled back and handed me back my phone. We stood there quietly before he scratched his neck. "Do you want time to yourself for awhile?

"Please" I smiled and he nodded before ruffling my hair and walking away. I smiled and pulled my phone back out, not knowing what to do now. I opened my messages and sent Ian a quick text, asking if he could hang out this afternoon. He immediately texted back saying he was busy. Apparently he started talking to someone this past week and never told me because he's a dick. I got "mad" at him before laughing and wishing him luck on his date. I took a seat at one of the chairs before I heard the door open again. I spun around and saw Clay, who sent me a small smile.

"Hey" I spoke quietly and kept my gaze towards the ocean, which I really wanted to be in but I also didn't feel like moving. Clay said nothing but sat down next to me with a beer in his hand. "Already drinking?" I laughed and he let out a small chuckle.

"Yeah we're not going to do anything so, I don't care"  I nodded my head before finally deciding to stand up. "Hey wait I needed to talk to you" he stopped me so I sat down once again.

"About?" I already knew what about. I just didn't want to speak on it. I waited for him to start to talk, but he kept closing his mouth. He does this when he's nervous or doesn't know exactly what to say.

"You kind of fucked up, Deena" I scoffed at his words. "You know you shouldn't have said that and I know that was harsh but I didn't know how to put it-"

"I know" I nodded and brought my eyes down to the floor. He sighed in relief.

"He's pissed at you"

"Yup, just lost one of my closest friends"

"You didn't lose him he's just mad" we both spun our heads around by the sound of the door shut. I saw George walking away and quickly go down the stairs. "I never shut the door"

"He was listening the whole time" I sighed and stood up. "I'm going to ride. Please don't follow me I want alone time"

"I'm sorry" I paused before I opened the door and turned around, smiling at him.

"You did nothing wrong" I smiled and he did too before I walked up to him and gave him a hug. "I'll see you later"

"Bye" I walked inside and quickly went into my room, hearing the tv in George's, and changed into a bathing suit and rash guard. I quickly made my way to the beach and felt relaxed.

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