Deena's POV
I couldn't sleep at all last night. The thought of only having two days left with Nick and George.... It just hurts. I don't know what to do. I know me and George can make everything work with long distance, we both are going to make the best of anything. I tossed and turned all night, and every time I stopped movingly, George's arms found their way back to me. It helped a lot. I finally did fall asleep for good, but I only woke up an hour later.
I walked upstairs, heavy bags under my eyes. As I was walking past Nicks floor, Downey carefully hopped out of his room. We let him stay in whoever's room he wanted to, or really wherever.
"Hi baby" I smiled and crouched down, picking him up. "You hungry?"
"I already fed him" I jumped in fear looking over to see Clay walking down the stairs. "Sorry"
"You're okay" I laughed and put Downey down, him quickly running up the stairs. Me and Clay followed him. "How'd you sleep?"
"I slept pretty bad"
"Me too"
"Because they're leaving.... right?" I asked. He stopped and looked over to me, a sad look on his face. He kept his back facing me, looking back forwards and looking down. I saw a slight nod and sighed, walking up to him and gently rapping my arms around him. "I know"
"It's not like we'll never see them again, but it's just the thought of them not being here again, and being alone in My own house. I won't have any of you" I pulled away, an offended look on my face. He raised his eyebrows in confusion.
"Excuse me. I'm a 5 minute drive away from you. I'm not going anywhere" I crossed my arms and slightly started to smile, only making him smile too. "Everything will work out"
"You're right" he huffed and ruffled up my hair, walking away.
"Hey!" I groaned and he laughed loudly. We both flopped down on the couch and I turned on the tv and finding the office.
"So the fair tonight huh?" Clay asked while messing with the fabric of the pillow he had sat in his lap.
"Are you okay with going?" I asked, wanting to make sure he was okay with it. A smile grew on his face, showing his appreciation to my question.
"Of course" I smiled back and nodded, leaning back and watching the rest of the episode while petting the dog on my lap. I heard loud footsteps and a sleepy George stood at the top of the stairs, rubbing his eyes.
"Well good morning" I laughed and Clay joined in. George huffed and mumbled a nearly inaudible 'morning' as he slouched towards the couch. Clay scored even closer to the other side I was on, knowing George was about to collapse onto the couch. And he did. Downey jumped down and went to Clay as he laid down and replaced where the puppy was with his head.
"You sleep okay?" I asked while running my fingers through his hair, a small smile on my face. He nodded in response. "That's good"
I saw a small smile make its way onto George's lips and looked over to see Clay looking at us, but he wasn't making a face to mock or tease us this time, he himself had a smile and happiness in his eyes. He caught my gaze and smiled a little wider.
"What?" I let out a soft chuckle, making George look up at me in confusion then following my eyes to Clay.
"You guys are cute" and then I felt my face begin to burn, George's turning red as well. It was different though since he was being genuine and not joking around with us.
"Thanks" George grumbled, his voice slightly muffled since he was laying on my lap sideways. We all just watched the tv in silence, all tired, and waiting for the third stooge to wake up. About 20 minutes later softer footsteps made their way up the stairs and a surprisingly awake Nick walked into the living room, the most awake out of us all.
"Good morning" he smiled at us and sat on the recliner, looking back at me and George, smiling. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off, making him laugh. "The fair is at 7-11"
"Okay" I smiled and I looked down to see George asleep again. The silence from the left of my was weird so I looked over and saw Clay with his head on the arm rest asleep. "And everyone's asleep again."
"You can go to sleep too" he reassured
"What? No" I shook my head and he gave me a look. "What?"
"Deena you look exhausted"
"Thanks" I scoffed.
"You know I don't mean it like that. I can just tell you barely got any sleep and you need sleep" he laughed a little, and there was no point in defending myself as I yawned in response. "You guys sleep, I'll clean up some around the house"
"No you don't need to do that by yourself" I shook my head and he sighed at me.
"I said some. Besides, I have too much energy so I can just clean up the simple things. I'm not vacuuming or sweeping"
"You're just tidying up the place" I yawned as I spoke. He smiled at me and nodded. "Okay I'm sleeping then.
"I'll wake you guys up around 1, unless you wake up before then" I nodded and got comfortable, closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.

Forelsket ~ GeorgeNotFound
FanfictionForelsket- (adj.) The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love. Deena is BadBoyHalo's sister...well half sister. She loves video games but only recently decided to join her brother with his shenanigans, and she meets some of the m...