Not Very PogChamp

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Deena's POV

We finished eating and Darryl immediately started doing the dishes, and sent me and George away immediately to go to the store. We got to the car and I plugged in my phone, shuffling my music. It was quiet as we drove to the mall but it was comfortable. I stared out the window, watching each car pass by and listening to the calming sound of Radiohead filling my ears. Soon enough we pulled into the familiar mall and got out.

"Where to?" He asked as we walked inside. I shrugged my shoulders while walking through the door. We just walked around, passing by each store and looking into each one to see what they had.

"There's Macy's we can just go there and look" I smiled and he nodded, following me into the store. We made our way to the women's section and started looking around. All of the black dresses were too much to handle, too much detail and way too pricey. I held out a hideous black lace dress with buttons and showed George, holding it up to myself and doing a fake curtsy.

"That is so ugly" he laughed and I joined him, putting it back on the rack. We walked to a different rack and started looking. I noticed his eyes go wide and he pulled out a basic black spaghetti string dress, no details, just the fabric.

"What size do you wear? this is the only one" he spoke while walking around to my side. I looked at the tag that read 'medium' and smiled.

"Perfect" I smiled and walked to the register.

"Aren't you going to try it on?" He laughed and I shook my head. It was empty here and barely anyone was in the store. I smiled at the cashier while she just looked at me. George came to my side as she scanned the tag. I stood there silently and noticed the girl eyeing up George. I smiled at him, but it dropped when he looked uncomfortable. He saw my gaze and motioned towards the girl with a 'help' look. I looked between them as she grabbed a bag and quickly snatched his hand. He looked confused before he realized what I was doing.

"Babe can you see if Clay texted you back?" I smiled and he smiled back. I saw the girls head snap up as I gave her my card. She simply glared at me, which only made me smiled at her more. He put his phone back in his pocket as the girl handed him the bag. He smiled at her and I tried not to laugh at her angry expression.

"Thank you" he smiled and we walked away. Once we turned around he let go of my hand and draped his arm around my shoulder. "She seemed pissed off"

"I know she wouldn't stop glaring at me" I laughed and he joined in.

"She kept looking me up and down I was so uncomfortable. The look she gave me made me want to curl up into a ball" he laughed again. I smiled and shook my head as we walked out of the store. He slowly took his arm off of me once we were out of her sight and we started walking out before someone ran up to George. It was the same girl again.

"You were faking" she smiled and I looked at her with confusion. Was she this fucking crazy? To follow us?

"Excuse me?" I scoffed and she cocked her head at me and I stepped forward, feeling George's hand grab my own and pull me back slightly.

"You heard me" she laughed. I felt my blood boil at her cockiness. She's literally insane and a creep. Why was she so desperate.

"I'm sorry I don't think I did" I chuckled softly. "Say that shit again? Please" I smiled and she swallowed hard as I clenched my left fist. So what I had a broken finger, but I wouldn't mind breaking another, or someone else's nose. She made my best friend uncomfortable and wouldn't lay off, and now she's creeping and following us just to see if he was really taken. She backed up a little bit. I raised my eyebrows at her and smiled.

"Love, come on it's fine just leave it" George said quietly, but enough for her to head and cock her head at him too. "Why don't you get back to your job. Clearly I'm fucking taken and you need to piss off" my eyes widened at his comment as she rolled her eyes and walked off. We started walking again, still holding hands and I looked behind me for her to be gone.

"Damn, George" I laughed and he shook his head.

"She was fucking crazy why did she do that? She was acting like she knew.... me" he froze and his eyes widened, I looked at him with confusion and then I realized.

"Oh shittt" I stifled a laugh and he let go of my hand and rubbed his head. "I mean she didn't take a picture?"

"But what if she did?" He paced once's we got to the car, each of us on either side. "Or someone else" I was resting my arms on top on the car, with my head on top of them. He was walking back and forth and wouldn't calm down, no matter what I said so I stayed quiet. I sighed and opened the door, reaching over and opening his too.

"They know we're here now" he groaned. "They knows we're with Clay" I realize why he was stressing now. If they go in public, people will know who Clay is by all of us.

"Let's just go home, George" I said softly, feeling bad now. He buckled his seat belt and sped off, speeding down the road and having us get there in half of the time. We walked in and George stormed up the stairs, both of us being met by the guys standing in the kitchen. Clay immediately walked to us, shoving his phone in our faces.

"What is this?" He seemed like he was for some reason happy, a small smile on his face. I looked and focused on the pictures. It was multiple pictures of me in George, the first one with his arm around me, us laughing, and the other two of us holding hands and walking. I groaned and threw myself onto the couch. "Are you two a thing?"

"We-"George started but was interrupted.

"If you hurt my sister you're dead" Darryl laughed and I sat up.

"We're not a thing, or together Jesus" I groaned, everyone's eyes peeling to me. "There was a creepy girl at the store and was making him uncomfortable with stares and constantly looking at him up and down so we did that to tell her to piss off. Then she followed us out and we were laughing at her and shit but now! Everyone knows he is here, which means they know he's here for you! So if we go in public-"

"Oh shit" Clay realized and groaned. Sitting down. "That's not very good."

"Not very pogchamp" Nick nodded and I softly laughed at him. "But I mean you can just say he's your friend and we're here for you, and Clay doesn't want to go out in public!" He smiled and I nodded.

"I mean you did lie on when you described yourself. You're not what you described exactly" I nodded at Clay, making him calm down a little bit.

"Yeah you're right" he smiled "but now people think you two are a thing" he wheezed, which lifted the mood for all of us as we laughed.

"We can explain it all" I smiled, pulling out my phone, and ruining out what happened on a tweet before sending it out "Tada! Now people know the truth"

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