Miranda's POV:
I was at the hospital. Volunteering here has been such an amazing experience. I have met so many amazing people and helped many others, and it has opened my eyes to see that this really is what I wanted to do. It's around 12 right now and when I get home Deena is supposed to come over. I really have missed her, but she seems to be pushing farther and farther away every day. And I'm not trying to be that jealous friend, but we barely talk anymore, and she seems so happy now.
"Hey Miranda!" I heard Dr. Boland call out as I turned to see her. "So our last major patient just got discharged okay you're free to go"
"Oh no, Dr. Boland I insist on staying and helping in any way possible" I smiled and she nodded.
"Whatever you say!" She smiled and turned around, grabbing a clipboard. "Right now just go around and check up on med stock, everything else is pretty much taken care of. Check off missing-"
"Carts, and color in the ones we have. On it" I smiled and spun around, making my way to the med room. After another hour of simple check ups on stock, it was time to go home. I felt the nerves boil inside of me as a slowly made my way back. I turned into my neighborhood and finally got to my house. Her car was already there but so was someone else's. Who the fuck is at my house.
Deena's POV one hour earlier:
I stood there as he stared at me. I felt his glare burning into my skull. I decided that since he wasn't doing anything, I should run, but as soon as I moved a millimeter he latched onto my arm.
"NOOO!" I screamed as loud as I could before his hand clasped over my mouth. I struggled against his grip and continued to try and scream. I decided that since he had his hand over my mouth, I should bite it.
"Did you just fucking bite me?" He winced as he pulled his hand back for a moment.
"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!" I screamed, my voice breaking as I felt the tears coming. He once again clasped his hand over my mouth and dragged my into the house, slamming the door and throwing me on the ground. "Where's Miranda!? What did you do to her!???"
"Oh darling, she's not home, I broke in" he smiled as he walked over to pick me up again. I quickly scooted back and rolled to the side, before using both of my legs to kick him hard in the gut. He bent over in pin as I stood up and ran to the door, barely turning the nob before he grabbed my ankle from the ground, I felt myself collapse to the ground before seeing a plate coming at my head. Then it went black.
Time skip 20 minutes
I woke up in a chair. I looked around and realized I was in Miranda's spare bedroom, darkness flooding in as the curtains were duck taped shut, and the lights were all out. The bed was pushed to the corner, along with the rest of the furniture in the room. I was tied to a kitchen chair and felt a strong ache around my left temple. He knocked me out. How long have I been here? Is Miranda okay? Does anyone know I'm gone? And I going to die? My thoughts were interrupted by the door creeping open, and a small amount of light beamed through, before I bright flash light was shown in my face. I squinted my eyes shut and turned away before someone turned my head towards them.
"Hello, princess" I saw the smile of the one person who terrified me. Max. "While you were asleep I tried looking for your phone but I couldn't find it. Where is it?" In my bra.
"I don't know I can't remember where I put it" he grabbed my face harshly, and jerked it towards him.
"Where is your FUCKING phone?" He shouted this time.
"Max I swear I don't know. Maybe in my car. The keys are in my left pocket" I lied and motioned down to my pocket. He yanked them out before stomping away and slamming the door, leaving me in the dark again. I sat here for nearly 10 minutes in the darkness with my fear before the door swung open again.
"It wasn't in there, baby. where is it?" He held anger in his eyes and was clenching his fists.
"Did it fall out of my pocket when you knocked me out?" I furrowed my eyebrows, convincing him I really didn't know where it had gone, before he sighed and tucked my hair behind my ear.
"You know I don't like that, Denise" I sighed and I bit my lip to hold back the tears.
"Like what?"
"When you lie to me" he grumbled before taking a full swing in punching me in the stomach, then kicking both of my shins. I shouted in pain before he crouched down to me again. "Where is it?"
"Max I don't know" I cried, fully sobbing now. "If I knew I would have told you by now please trust me" I bowed my head down, letting my hair fall around my face as I cried. He sat there for a moment before picking my head back up and putting his forehead against mine.
"I trust you, I'm sorry Denise" he sighed before forcing his lips onto mine. I felt my body fight back a gag as I kissed him back. "You kissed me back?"
"Of-of course" I felt my body try and force out yet, another gag, as I admitted kissing him. What was I supposed to do? Reject his kiss and get murdered right away? Hell no.
"Go to sleep." Was all he said before he left me in the darkness again. I sat here for what felt like forever. My feet kept falling asleep from the tight rope around them, and I kept having to move them around, keeping me awake. My thoughts were once again shut up by the sound of someone yelling.
The shouts were quickly muted for a few more moments before the door swung open, and Max dragged in another chair with someone's limp body tied to it.
"Max, what did you do?" I was quiet. I was scared that if I spoke too loudly I'd completely break apart.
"I brought you a friend" he smiled and kissed the top of my head aggressively before leaving. I sat there for five minutes crying, and trying to be as quiet as possible, before I heard shuffling.
"Miranda?" I whispered, feeling my tears become even heavier. "Miranda are you okay??"
"Deena?" She groaned and I let out a sigh of relief.
"Yes Miranda it's me are you okay?" I spoke quickly.
"What the fuck is going on. I'm okay. Are you?"
"It's Max. The Max I've told you about. And I'm okay I'm so sorry you're involved." I began to cry harder as I heard her sniffle. Knowing that she was weak at a moment like this really meant it was bad.
"Do you have your phone?" She whispered as she began to shift a little bit. "That little bitch took mine."
"He doesn't know but yes. It's in my bra." I sighed. "It's off right now though so I'd have to be able to turn it on."
We were both shut up by footsteps and the door opening, showing Max with a giant grin.
"Ladies!" He smiled and walked to me, gently wrapping an arm around me before grabbing my hair and yanking my head back forcefully, causing me to groan in pain. "What were we talking about?"
"I was asking if she was okay" I managed to get out before he pulled my hair even more.
"No talking. Stay fucking quiet" he smiled before leaving.
Please tell me one of the guys will realize somethings wrong.

Forelsket ~ GeorgeNotFound
أدب الهواةForelsket- (adj.) The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love. Deena is BadBoyHalo's sister...well half sister. She loves video games but only recently decided to join her brother with his shenanigans, and she meets some of the m...