Rock pt. 2

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Deena's pov

We slouched up the stairs, bodies aching from filling it with alcohol the night before. We both sat on the couch, Downey gently laying in my lap after I sat down. I wanted to grab the remote but instead groaned while pointing to it, making George grab it and laugh. He turned on the tv and I laid my head against his shoulder. He turned on gravity falls and I smiled. I knew I would miss him. I'd miss him and Nick terribly, but I also knew I was going to be able to get through it, no matter how hard it hurts. I was trying not to cry but sniffled, and only hoped George didn't hear it.

"Hey" he spoke softly and rubbed my shoulder a bit. I looked up to him with watery eyes, no tears, just a little sweaty. "It's okay"

"I know" I laughed to myself. He chuckled a little and held me closer. We stayed like that for a long time, just waiting for the guys to wake up. "Do you want to go to the beach?"

"Yes" he smiled widely and we both quickly went downstairs, eager to go to the beach. When we were walking down stairs, I saw Nicks door creak open, George not catching it so I put up my finger and let him get ready before me before slowly walking to him as he groaned. He saw me and turned towards the couch, collapsing down.

"Hey we're going to the beach"  I smiled and his eyes lit up, like his hangover disappeared.

"That actually made me feel better I'll be out in a little bit. I can send a text to Clay for when he wakes up" he smiled and I nodded, heading down to get ready. When I walked into George's room he was shirtless and in his trunks.

"Hey hottie" I laughed and he spun around quickly. He smiled and turned red. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my bathing suit that was hanging on my door. Once I walked out George was sitting on the bed scrolling through Twitter. "Hey again, hottie"

"Me?" He asked in shock while he looked at me. I laughed and shoved him away but be quickly grabbed onto my waist, pulling me to him, looking down at me. "Kiss me"

"Okay" I chuckled and kissed him.

"Hey nasty bitches let's go" Nick slammed his hand against the open door. Me and George laughed and pulled away, both of us giving him a look like disappointed parents. We all walked outside and grabbed chairs.

"No surfing today?" Nick asked me when I didn't grab a board, then he noticed the rented one was gone. "Oh you had to return one did t you?"

"Yeah I did" I smiled softly as we got onto the warm sand. We set up our chairs and I started playing some game impala on the speaker. Once we put sunscreen on, I stood up and started waking to the water, not saying anything, but knowing they'd follow. The water was refreshing and I quickly dived In. I looked back to see them both walking, George has his hands in his pockets. I put my hands up in excitement and smiled and they started to laugh. Why are they laughing?

Then I got body slammed by a fat ass wave.

You wanna play games? I can hold my breath for a very long time. I stayed under water, holding my breath and also a laugh when I heard the water splashing. Two pairs of legs became visible so I swam towards them and grabbed each of their ankles. Then they both screamed like children. I came up, bursting out laughing while they took deep breaths.

"You scared us!" George splashed water at me.

"It was simply payback" I smiled and they both eventually laughed. We splashed around and soon we all ended up just floating and relaxing.

"This is nice" Nick laughed as we went over a wave.

"It is, isn't it?" I smiled and it went quiet again. We all slowly got out of the water laughing and froze once we looked and saw Clay sitting by our stuff with sunglasses on and a beer in his hand, a resting disgusted face on himself. "Someone's hungover."

"Shut up" he grumbled from the seat. When we sat down he pulled a small cooler from beside him in front of all of us and patted it. "Cheers"

I opened it and it was filled with cans of alcohol. I let out a laugh and grabbed a bud light, opening it and taking a big sip.

"Thank you" I sighed in content with the other two gladly taking beers themselves. We sat there listening to tame impala, watching a few dogs that play in the water or in the sand. It was nice. I was happy. Not just content. Truly happy. These past three months have honestly been really life changing. I grew a lot from the things that have happened. I would of course go back in time and make sure some things never went down, because I'm still broken. But I know these three nerds sitting with me are going to help me through it all. I don't try to forget the situation with Miranda, but I still can't talk about her or visit her grave. It just still seems like a nightmare. We haven't been streaming at all since we've been together. It's been peaceful and stress free, but I'll need to start up again as soon as possible considering that's my only income.

"What time is it?" Nick asked, checking his phone anyways to reveal it was already 2. "Shit."

"Do you guys want to go out or stay in for dinner?" I asked as I finished my can.

"Can you make your spaghetti?" George smiled and I laughed, all of them giving me puppy dog eyes. "Of course"

"Yahoo!" Nick cheered and I laughed at him and clays groan due to the loud noise. We sat there for another two hours. We were packing up and Clay was definitely feeling better and we started walking back to the house. I got into the shower while apocalypse by cigarettes after sex played. I relaxed under the hot water. But of course my relaxation was ruined by a knock on the door.

"Yes George?" I smiled to myself. I heard a sliding sound and realized he slid down, sitting against it.

"When you play Rock Paper Scissors, which one do you usually choose?" He asked. I stopped rubbing the conditioner int my hair and smiled widely, the memory making me get a glittery stomach.

"Seriously?" I asked while I waited. It was quiet on the other end and I had a feeling he was smiling just as much as I do.

"Seriously" he finally spoke up and I laughed.

"Rock" I nodded to myself and quickly finished rinsing my hair, changing into some sweats and hit tee. I quickly opened the door and he shot up from the ground. I smiled at him and quickly jumped into his arms, kissing him. We both smiled into it, and he held me by my sides. I pulled away and latched onto him, jumping up and wrapping my arms around him as well. He wrapped his armed around my waist fully and held me tight. We stayed like this for around 30 seconds before he leaned back, wanting to look at me. I did as well and he smiled.

"I love you" he smiled and kissed the tip of my nose. I felt my face go red.

"I love you too" I hopped down and fixed my shirt. "Now let me go make dinner"

We both turned to the doorway to see both Clay and Nick with faces like they had seen the most adorable puppy in existence (Downey of course). It wasn't until Nick glanced down that we saw clays phone up slightly, from a picture.

"Delete that, now" I glared at him and took a step forward, making them both bolt upstairs. "Jesus"

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