Heart to Heart

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Nicks POV

I went downstairs and grabbed some headphones from my room before I walked back up, and Deena was already asleep. I wasn't upset about them sleeping until 1, I thought I would be but we really have nothing else to do until 7 tonight. I went into the kitchen and did any of the dishes that were in the sink, and emptying the dishwasher. I wiped down the counters we won't need tomorrow and wiped down the kitchen table as well. I walked to my floor and decided to sweep there even though I said I wouldn't. My entire floor was hard wood so it went by quick. I got all of my dirty clothes and put them in a trash bag, stuffing it in my suitcase. I got out my clothes for sleeping, tomorrow, and my flight, and left them out. I cleaned up my stuff in the bathroom, organizing it all so it's ready to be packed up. The theater was almost cleaned up, just a few cans on the table in there. All that was really left was to sweep and vacuum and for everyone else to clean up their stuff. I looked at the clock and saw it was 11:27. I decided to take some trash out then I hopped in the shower. I took my time and relaxed, enjoying my time with the hot water. That's sounded super dirty.

By the time I was dressed it was 12 on the dot so I just walked upstairs and watched the office which stayed on the entire time. I heard shuffling and saw George's eyes start to open. He blinked a few times before he saw me and waved.

"Good afternoon" I laughed and he furrowed his eyebrows before his eyes went wide. He carefully sat up, trying not to wake D up.

"Jesus" he rubbed his eyes when he looked at the time. "Have you just been here the whole time?"

"No I cleaned up some so there isn't as much to do" I smiled and he nodded, fixing his mess of a hairdo.

"Wait shit aren't we supposed to be doing stuff today?"

"Not until like 5, I think we're getting dinner before the fair. It starts at 7" he nodded and stood up, stretching and walking into the kitchen. I followed him since I was bored and sat at the bar. He grabbed some water and hopped onto the counter, sitting on it.

"What time should we wake them up?"

"I told D I'd wake you guys up at 1" I checked my phone and it was 12:43 now.

"Oh okay" he nodded and took a sip of his water. "What did you clean?"

"I swept my floor since it's all hard wood, which took a small amount of time. Then I did the dishes and cleaned the table. I also got any trash that was laying around." I pulled out my phone and opened Tetris, bored.

"Oh damn, you didn't have to do all that"

"I had nothing else to do. I wasn't tired so I didn't sleep." I shrugged and turned my phone off, huffing since I already lost. I suck at Tetris.

"Well thank you" I nodded and smiled as a way of saying you're welcome before we fell silent. After a few minutes I couldn't help but ask.

"Hey uh, I've been wondering..." he looked at me with an eyebrow raised, waiting for me to speak again. "How are you and Deena going to handle long distance..?"

"We talked about it the other night. We're probably going to break up to make it easier."

"What!!?" I gave him a 'wtf' look. What the fuck does he mean break up. What the actual hell.

"I'm kidding, Nick. We both are fully prepared, we know what to expect and know it may get hard at times. But it's some ty big we both are ready for. When we talked it was obvious we both were clearly serious about it all" he laughed at my reaction and I rolled my eyes.

"I was about to fucking say" I huffed and laughed at him. "Honestly would have been so upset if you guys did"

"Really?" He looked surprised and I smiled and nodded.

"Dude you two together has shown so much improvement on both of your mental health's. You've helped her so much and you both clearly make each other extremely happy. Honestly if you were to break up I would probably be heartbroken more than both of you guys" I smiled. He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head.

"Nick I'm not the only one who has helped her, and she's not the only one who has made me happy. Don't deny yourself the credit. You and Clay have helped so much too" I felt my eyes get sweaty and quickly looked down, not wanting it to be obvious. "Are you crying?"

"Shutthefuckup" I grumbled and he laughed at me, hopping down and walking over to me, I looked abort and saw his arms open. I rolled my eyes. And looked away.

"Come here" he smiled and I huffed and hopped off the chair, hugging him. "I mean it, Nick. And from both of us, thank you."

"Stop" I mumbled and pulled away rubbing my eyes. For as long as we have been best friends, this is the first time me and George have had a really real heart to heart on something like this. Of course we have serious conversations about stuff but never to the point where I almost cry.

"You guys are making my eyes sweat" we both looked over to see Clay on the couch, smiling over. I rolled my eyes and looked at George. At the same time he looked at me and smirked. I knew exactly what it meant. "Hey wait, no no no..."

"Come here Clay!" George smiled and we both ran to him, grabbing him tightly and hugging him.

"You're gonna wake Deena up" he whined, struggling to get out of the right hug.

"I'm already up you dipshits." She groaned. "I woke up to George's shouting. Shut the fuck up"

"Love, it's almost 1 wake up" George laughed while walking towards her, and she gave him a death glare. He stopped in his tracks and looked scared. "Okay"

Clay started wheezing and I laughed too, making her glare at us as well. We shut ourselves up pretty quick.

"Can we get ready and go get Linner?" She mumbled and stood up and stretched.

"What the hell is 'Linner'?" I laughed and she sighed.

"Lunch dinner. If we take our time it could be 3 by the time we leave" I nodded, understanding what she meant.

"But the fair isn't until 7?"

"We can find something to do until then" we all agreed and split ways, going to get ready.

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