Deena's POV
I was storing the pasta sauce I had just poured into the pot. Clay was making sweet tea for everyone and pouring them into glasses. George was setting plates and silverware, while Nick was passing time trying to fold the towels into little animals.
"I did it!" He cheered after he finished one. I wiped my hands on the towel on my shoulder and walked over, looking down at the folded towel.
"Is it a fish?" I asked, confused at what I was looking at.
"It's a panda." He glared at me and I heard Clay hold on a laugh, slapping his hand over his mouth before he got too loud. Nicks head turned over and Clay put his arms up. "Shut up"
"Sorry sorry sorry" he widened his eyes, making us all laugh. Nick finished his strange napkins, and I started to drain the pasta, since the sauce was done. I told them it was about to be ready and Clay quickly filled our cups with the lemonade. Everyone got their food, me being last since I knew they were 'starving'. We all sat down and before anyone said anything they were stuffing their faces.
"I swear this gets better every time" Nick groaned in satisfaction, making everyone laugh.
"That's what she said" I laughed and took another bite. Clay gave me a funny look, like he was planning to say something.
"You would know" he raised his eyebrows, and I just made a 'I will not say anything' look while taking another bite.
"What!?" He immediately shouted and looked between me and George. "In a house we're sharing Jesus-"
"No! No that didn't happen" I bursted out laughing and him and Nick both seemed super relieved while me and George just laughed at his idiocy. "Jesus"
"I was about to SAY" Nick laughed. We continued with small talk, just about the time, the food, and the house really.
"What time is your flight?" I asked them while tapping my fork into the last few bites of my pasta, not looking up. It went kind of silent. "Shit I didn't ruin the vibe, did I?"
"No no no, you didn't." Nick quickly reassured and I pursed my lips and nodded. "My flight it as 10 in the morning.
"Hm?" I hummed towards George, asking about his, while I took a bite of my food.
"10:30" he had a sad smile on his face. We all finished quietly and Clay offered to clean everything up, but of course George insisted he'd help. Nick and I went and sat on the couch in the meantime.
"It all went by so fast" he huffed while he flipped down onto the soft cushions.
"Yeah, it did" I agreed sadly. "Thank you a lot, nick"
"What?" He sat up straight and looked over to me.
"For everything, really. You and the guys have been there for me with a lot. Just these past few months. I honestly don't know where I'd be right now if it hadn't been for you guys. Mentally and physically. I mean I could be back in Ohio, with a shitty mind fueled by the worst thoughts imaginable. I could even be-" I was cut off by a big hug, and then a wet substance got on my shoulder. "Nick? Are you c-"
"No, I'm not crying tears are just coming out" I wrapped my arms around him too, looking back and seeing the Clay with no clue as to what we were doing, but George with a soft happy smile while looking over. I smiled at him and he smiled wider. "And you don't have to thank me, or any of us. We'd help you with anything and will always be there for you. I mean it"
"What about helping me hide a body" I laughed through the tears that also happened to just be coming out. He froze and pulled away, looking at me.
"Well that might be a little..."
"Yes we'd help you!" Clay jumped over the couch and onto the other side of nick. We both gave him a shocked look.
"Okay..." I spoke then we all began to laugh loudly. George, unlike Clay, walked around and sat down next to me, wrapping an arm around me which made me want to lean back into him. He held me and I held his hands, which were on either side of me, while playing with his fingers. They started arguing about whether or not they'd help one of us hide a body, and I just listened and watched, happy with the energy and people who were around me. I would miss this. But it's not like I'll never feel this again. I'll see them all again soon, and Clay is still a five minute drive from my house. Downey was in Nicks lap, which was funny because as he was puppy biting his hands and played with him, he still argued with George and Clay. I grabbed the remote and turned on some Dashie playing Mario, and they all eventually agreed to disagree, falling silent and watching with me, all of us laughing occasionally. I felt George lean down and kiss my on my head, making me gently close my eyes, and soon enough I drifted out.
"Deenaaaa" I felt my face being poked and blinked my eyes open to see George.
"Hm?" I smiled.
"Stars are very bright tonight" he teased and moved the hairs out of my face.
"What time is it?"
"Around 3 am" he smiled and I got up and stretched, smiling at him and reaching out for his hand. "Downey's wit nick tonight apparently, he stole him."
"Of course he did" I chuckled and he stood up, taking my hand and we both walked outside. When we got outside, it was so dark in the stars were the only thing lighting up the sky. We walked up the stairs to the gazing tower, and both laid down looking up, admiring the spotted atmosphere. Immediately I found Orion and I pointed it out making him laugh to him self and at me. We continued to point out different constellations and I quickly swatted his arm and pointed to the Scorpius constellation, only making him laugh again considering he's a Scorpio. I have no idea how long we laid out there just talking about the stars and constellations and the stories in about when we were on clays shed with the pool floats, outside for hours, scaring Clay and Nick, at peace with one another.
"I love you" he smiled towards me. I smiled back and moved his hair out of his face.
"I love you too, George" I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Should we go inside?"
"I guess" he sighed and I laughed at him, smacking his butt while he got up. "Hey!"
"Hi" I laughed, only making him laugh as well. We got to our rooms and changed, cuddling up next to each other, for one last night. At least for awhile.

Forelsket ~ GeorgeNotFound
FanfictionForelsket- (adj.) The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love. Deena is BadBoyHalo's sister...well half sister. She loves video games but only recently decided to join her brother with his shenanigans, and she meets some of the m...