iii. | great, magnificent podrace

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ELARA ROLLED UP HER SLEEVES, her eyes flickering around for soap. She grabbed the bottle and put some on a cloth. She began to scrub at the dish in front of her, focusing her eyes on the piece of silver. She rinsed the dish and set it aside to be dried later.

Once she got through all of the dishes, she heard her mother calling for Anakin to get to bed instead of harass the Jedi Master, which he reluctantly got into bed.

The young brunette Skywalker found herself walking outside to the balcony, she tilted her head up and looked at all the stars within the night sky as Qui-Gon lowered
his small source of communication with his people back on the ship if there were any.

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" Elara glanced over to Qui-Gon, meeting his eyes for a second before she looked away at the sky.

Qui-Gon chuckled and glanced down at the rag with Anakin's blood dabbed onto it then to his comlink, wondering if Obi-Wan got his information link. "It truly is."

Her eyes flitted over the sky to the Jedi Master who sat there studying her intently. "I love the stars. Some day I really hope I can travel to them." Elara admitted with a laugh.

Elara looked down at the rag he kept in his hand and immediately she sensed it was for something bigger than she thought. She heaved a deep breath in and remembered that Anakin was a miracle, that he was chosen to some good in this world as her mother had said so, but for what? Elara did not know.

"I know that you can sense what Anakin has, I can too. . . I have the moment my mother was pregnant with him," Elara whispered, surprising Qui-Gon. "But. . . what is it? How can I-we sense it? Is he truly chosen or-"

"That, my dear, is called the Force."

"The Force?"

Qui-Gon pressed his lips into a straight line, trying to figure out the simplest way to explain it to her. "The Force is what gives a Jedi his or her power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together." he explained.

"Does it reside in Anakin, my mother and I?" Elara curiously asked. "Is the Force strong within my family?" she asked him as she turned her body towards the older man.

Qui-Gon nodded. "You and Anakin have it, I can sense it, but I am not sure about your mother, Elara." he told her.

Elara nodded slowly. "Does that mean Anakin and I will be trained to be Jedi's?" she quickly asked him.

"No. We can't train you unless we know your midchlorian count."

"Oh. Can you-"

He cut her off by giving her a nod. He extended his arm out to her and anxiously waited for her to give her hand to him. She looked back at the hallway to make sure her mother wasn't standing there before she gave him her hand.

Qui-Gon swiftly pulled a blade from his pocket and gently swiped it against her hand. Immediately blood seeped out of the thin wound he created. He picked up a different rag and wiped the blood from her hand.

Grabbing a bandage, Qui-Gon wrapped it around her hand. He picked up his comlink and pressed a button. "Obi-Wan." he spoke.

Obi-Wan? What an interesting name, Elara thought.

After a moment, a voice crackled through the comlink. "Yes, Master?"

Elara widened her eyes. Was this Obi-Wan a slave just like her? Was he working for the Jedi's? She hoped he wasn't because she felt like if she didn't have a high count of midchlorian, they would force her to be a slave, wouldn't they?

"I need two analysis of these blood samples I'm sending you," Qui-Gon said. Elara held the man's gaze. "I'm going to send you one at a time. Wait a minute," he paused and picked up Elara's rag. "I need a midchlorian count."

It was a few moments of silence as they both stared at the comlink and waited for Obi-Wan, before he spoke up through the radio.

"The readings says it is exactly. . . 20,000."

The Jedi Master's eyes widened in pure shock. Qui-Gon looked over to a confused Elara. He could only wonder what Anakin's midchlorian count was, it was either lower or much more higher.

"Can you read the second one?" he asked as he sent the second analysis to Obi-Wan.

It was a moment before he spoke again. "The readings off the chart, over 20,000." he informed.

Qui-Gon's eyes widened in shock for the second time. Anakin and Elara both had more midchlorians than the strongest Jedi's on the council.

"Is that bad?" Elara asked nervously, her eyes locking with the Jedi. She tried looking for any sign that would give off the fact that it was bad, but he didn't give off any signs that indicated it was bad.

He sighed in deeply. "No Jedi has ever had a midchlorian count that high."

Both Elara and Qui-Gon felt someone was watching them and so they both looked over to the hallway to find Shmi who was eavesdropping on their conversation this entire time.

"What does that mean?" she breathed out.

Qui-Gon inhaled sharply, locking eye contact with Shmi. "I don't know."


EARLIER, before Anakin started the race, Elara told him he could do this and she believed in him, then she gave him a tight hug and ruffled his hair, before watching him walk away to his podracer — their future lying in her nine-year-old brother's hands.

Now, Anakin was so close to finishing the race. Elara leaned over the railing, eyes wide as she watched Sebulba's racer fall apart many feet away from the finishing line. Her heart leaped in joy the moment he finished the race in first place.

"Mom, he did it!" Elara shouted as screams and cheers filled the air for Anakin Skywalker was the first ever human to complete a podrace.

Shmi pressed her hand to her mouth. "He did it. . ." she breathed out. They watched as Anakin was carried amongst the shoulders of the audience, laughing.

Multiple voices started chanting his name throughout the arena, causing Anakin to ecstatically raise his hands up in the air as his mother, sister and Padmé rushed towards him in joy.

"Mom, Elara, I did it!" he cheerfully yelled. The pair both nodded with tears in their eyes for accomplishing such a huge thing.

"I believed in you bubs! I knew you could do it!" Elara called out to him with such a huge smile, clasping her hands together in glee.

What they didn't know was that trouble was stirring up.

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