xxxii. | goodbye for now

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"PALPATINE THINKS GENERAL GRIEVOUS IS ON UTAPAU?" Ki-Adi-Mundi asked Anakin who had just explained the Chancellor's suspicions.

Anakin nodded. "A partial message was intercepted in a diplomatic packet from the chairman of Utapau."

Elara didn't know how she felt with the Chancellor giving them his suspicions, it felt like a trap even though she knew Anakin wouldn't put any of the Jedi in damger, but what if the Chancellor knew Anakin was spying on him? What if Anakin didn't know what the Chancellor was planning and he was simply a pawn in this?

Yoda brought his cane up to his chin as his hands rested upon it. "Act on this we must. The capture of General Grievous will end this war," Yoda glanced between everyone else. "Quickly and decisively we should proceed."

Anakin raised his voice, getting everyone's attention. "The Chancellor has requested that I lead this campaign."


"The Council makes up its own mind on who is to go," Windu sternly said. "Not the Chancellor."

Yoda looked at Elara and Obi-Wan "Two Masters are needed, with more experience."

Master Mundi nodded and looked at Elara and Obi-Wan. "I concur. Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker should go."

"I agree." Yoda nodded.

Several other Masters all agreed. Elara forced a smile, though she had a terrible feeling about this mission. Something was definitely going to go wrong just like it did on General Grievous' ship.


"YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO NEED ME ON THIS MISSION." Anakin said to his sister, his sisters Padawan, and his former Master with desperation in his eyes to let him come along with them.

"Oh, I agree," Obi-Wan laughed. "However, it may turn out just to be a wild bantha chase."

As much as any of them would like to admit, he was right. They haven't been able to catch Grievous, he always got away somehow and then they would have to escape before they searched for him once again.

"Master," Anakin stared deeply into his friend's eyes. "I've disappointed you."

Concern washed over Elara's face. She looked down at Gavyyn and frowned. Elara locked eye contact with Obi-Wan, hoping he wouldn't say he was disappointed in his former Padawan.

Anakin continued. "I haven't been very appreciative of your training. I've been arrogant and I apologize," he paused momentarily, glancing at Elara. "I've just been so frustrated with the Council."

Obi-Wan smiled at the boy. "You are strong and wise, Anakin, and I am very proud of you, so is your sister I know it," he looked down at his lover who simply smiled. "I have trained you since you were a small boy. I have taught you everything I know, and you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be," he told him. Elara smiled at the pair. "But be patient, Anakin. It will not be long before the Council makes you a Master."

The two males smiled at each other, before Obi-Wan went down the stairs. Elara lingered a moment longer and gave her brother a hug, giving him a squeeze. She was scared they wouldn't ever see each other again.

She wrapped her arms tighter around him and leaned up to whisper into his ear. "Promise me you won't act on a whim or on your feelings. Don't let your anger get the best of you. Don't believe the Chancellor. Just focus on your wife and your child? Can you promise?" she whispered. He nodded. Tears formed in her eyes, her hand shaking. "Now, goodbye, brother. May the Force be with you."

Not giving him any time to react, she pulled away and acted like she didn't tell him anything. They gave each other one last smile, then Elara turned to follow Obi-Wan.

Quickly, Gavyyn and Anakin gave each other their own goodbyes. They became close friends during the three years Elara had been training Gavyyn, and Anakin couldn't have been more grateful for meeting her. Once Gavyyn pulled away and hurried away, Anakin spoke up.

"Obi-Wan. . . Elara. . . Gavyyn," Anakin called out, making them turn around. "May the Force be with you."

Obi-Wan nodded. "Goodbye, old friend. May the Force be with you."

None of them knew this would be their last moment seeing Anakin Skywalker again, the real one.


"FORTUNATELY, most of the cities are concentrated on this small continent here on the far side." Cody informed them as they looked at the map of Utapau.

"We'll keep them distracted until you get there," Obi-Wan told him. "Just don't take too long."

"Come on, when have I ever let you down?" Cody laughed as Elara and Gavyyn got in a fighter jet next to Obi-Wan's.

Obi-Wan chuckled. "Very well. The burden is on us three not to destroy all the droids until you arrive."

Elara laughed. "Hopefully they won't all be destroyed!"

As Elara and Gavyyn got themselves situated in their fighter jet, more jets were flying in and out of the hangar bay as Obi-Wan's hatch to the cockpit closed.

His voice crackled through the radio. "Ready?"

"I am," she whispered.

This was the beginning of the end.

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