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OBI-WAN RODE TO WHERE ELARA WAITED WITH GAVYYN AND CODY, a smile on her lips. He killed General Grievous. That meant the war was over and the Separatists would soon be vanquished, they would be dead very soon.
The war would be over and her nephew or niece would be born into a peaceful life where there would be no more war for generations to come. Her dream was not a vision, but a dream. She worried for nothing.
"I'm gonna go with Obi-Wan." Elara yelled over to her Padawan and Cody as she walked to her lover. "Gavyyn, stay here and help fight!" she ordered, Gavyyn simply nodded, a frown on her face.
"Be safe!" Gavyyn called out to her Master. She hoped that for the sake of Anakin, Padmé, and Obi-Wan that Elara would not be harmed and that the Force would be with her through this battle.
Elara smiled and stopped in her tracks. "You too! May the Force be with you, my young Padawan!"
Gavyyn lightly smiled. "May the Force be with you, Master!"
Elara gave a smile to Gavyyn as Cody handed her Obi-Wan's lightsaber that he dropped. Elara gave him a salute, he returned it, and then Elara walked to the animal Obi-Wan waited for her on.
The brunette woman glanced behind herself one last time and watched as Gavyyn ignited her lightsaber and helped the clones fend off the Separatists droids.
Elara Skywalker didn't know this was the last time she would see Gavyyn Halcour and Cody.
Elara gave Obi-Wan a huge smile, relieved to see he had made it alive. He thankfully survived General Grievous and his four lightsabers.
Obi-Wan helped Elara into the animal. Elara wrapped her arms around him, and laid her head on his back, her heart thumping in her chest.
The animal zoomed towards the mountain and began to climb it. Elara pulled out her lightsaber and activated it, swinging it back and forth as the animal got higher and higher so they could attack and win this battle once and for all for the galaxy.
We will end the war.
Back on the ground, Gavyyn stood next to Cody and deflected the blaster shots from the droids. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cody pull out his comlink and speak to someone. That someone said it was time for Order Sixty-Six.
Order Sixty-Six?
Gavyyn knew that wasn't good. She turned her head at Cody to get a better look and she saw it was a Sith, she could feel it was a Sith. Was that the Sith Lord?
She gasped and looked for somewhere to hide so she could contact the Council about the clones dealings with the Sith. She darted away from Cody and threw herself into a ship. She hid herself underneath on one of the grates while she pulled out her comlink.
But Gavyyn didn't contact them in time.
Cody ordered for the tank to blast Obi-Wan and Elara off the mountain, and they did without any hesitation. Elara glanced back and saw the blast, causing her eyes to go wide seconds before the blast hit the rocks next to the animal and threw the Jedi's off the mountain, along with the animal.
As Elara fell towards the pool that was hundreds of feet away from her in the sky, Obi-Wan grabbed her, bringing her close to his chest. He turned his back to the water so he would get most of the impact. Elara squeezed her eyes shut, nails digging into his skin.
When they were about to hit the water, an ocean of emotions and feelings hit her right in the chest, a gasp leaving her mouth.
She felt every single Jedi's death. She felt them all being slaughtered, and she knew Obi-Wan felt it too. She felt herself cry when she continued to feel their deaths.
But those feelings of sadness left her when their bodies hit the water, and they were plunged deep underneath.
OBI-WAN PULLED ELARA OUT OF THE WATER, pushing her up against the wall to steady her as he woke her up. She sputtered out a bunch of water, and blinked a few times to regain her vision. Obi-Wan moved her wet hair to the side, causing Elara to lay her head on his forehead, the tears streaming down her face after they felt everyone die.
Gavyyn. Is she alive?
She felt so much death at once that she wasn't even sure if Gavyyn was among them, so she could only assume that Gavyyn Halcour was dead, or she made it out. Elara hoped it was the second one.
Obi-Wan quickly realized she wouldn't be able to climb in the state she was in, so he threw her over his shoulder and started to carefully climb up the wall of jagged rocks with one arm while the other held her in place.
They climbed up and up until they finally reached the top, Obi-Wan threw Elara over the top, and she landed in her back, before Obi-Wan jumped to the top also. He reached his hand out to her and she took it. He pulled her up to her feet, wrapping his arms around her.
They survived the night.
Elara pulled away from him. "We need to go back to Coruscant. . . Anakin and Padmé-"
"We are," he promised. "But the clones turned on the Jedi, so we have to be careful." he laid his hands on her hip.
Elara sighed. "How many do you think survived?"
"I don't know."
Elara was sad. Her friends. . . all gone.
"I know, my love, I know." he looked around, taking her hands. "We should go before they catch us."
She nodded.
The two poor souls had no clue what was in store for them tomorrow.