xxii. | "anakin, do you copy?"

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AFTER THEY FLEW DOWN TO THE PLANET, they passed a bunch of Federation ships that gave Elara a very bad feeling about flying down to the planet.

"There's an unusual amount of Federation ships here." Obi-Wan broke the silence between them, stating the obvious. Elara nodded.

"There are," Elara agreed with the older man. "Let's be careful." Obi-Wan steered the space craft into a small cave and landed it a bit away from everything so the Federation wouldn't hear their ship.

Elara punched in the button to open the ships door while Obi-Wan threw on his cloak. She watched it descend, her heart beat pounding harshly in her rib cage due to how nervous she truly was though she wouldn't admit she was scared.

She threw her head over to Obi-Wan as he started walking off the ship and onto solid ground that stood feet away from them, her eyes glued to his back.

As she followed him, she looked around the area to make sure the enemy wasn't hiding from them. Surprise attacks wouldn't be too pleasant for them right now.

The scenery looked very similar to Tatooine but it was more rocky than sandy unlike Tatooine that was more sandy than rocky. She hated Tatooine, so right now she was heavily disliking Geonosis because of the two planets similarities.

Obi-Wan cracked a smile. "Doesn't this place remind you of Tatooine?" he asked.

"Yes." Elara mumbled, sending him a glare. "I never thought I would travel to a planet that was similar to that awful place."

"Well, you did."

"I wish I didn't."

Obi-Wan narrowed his gaze at her and sighed. "We should go."

"I agree." Elara smiled and walked past him. She turned towards a stone staircase and decided to walk towards it, with Obi-Wan in her heels.

Elara's eyes widened when she looked up at the stalagmite tower that sat in front of them. It was very large, so she could only wonder what laid inside of the large and tall tower.

They followed the trail into a room, Elara noticed there were many pillars with designs etched onto them. Designs that the residents here in Geonosis surely created.

As they walked closer to see what was inside the tower, they found themselves peering over a railing to see a dozen or so droids were being produced by machinery.

We definitely need the clones, she thought to herself.

Obi-Wan grabbed her arm and pointed at a door before he pressed his finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet, and she silently nodded. He let go of her arm and led her through a door, then into a hallway.

REDAMANCY ⇾ O. KENOBIWhere stories live. Discover now