xxxix. | a funeral for two

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OBI-WAN WATCHED A COUPLE HANDMAIDENS PLACE FLORA IN ELARA'S AND PADMÉ'S HAIR. He swallowed thickly as he watched the handmaiden's prepare Padmé and Elara for their funeral. He twisted a white rose in his fingers. When Padmé asked Obi-Wan to bury them together, he knew Padmé had given up and she accepted that she was dying, and that pained him when he realized it.

Elara's casket was a dark oak while Padmé's was a pristine metallic white. Elara wore a white dress with orange ruffles wrapped around her arms and it flowed down to her feet. Padmé wore the same thing it was just all blue, even the dress. Their hair was neatly placed in the casket, it surrounded their entire head with white flowers twisted into their brown locks.

The handmaiden's moved Elara's hands over the top of stomach, and they did the same with Padmé. Yoda suggested the Padmé's stomach's be stuffed to make it seem like the children died with her to protect the children from Darth Vader; their fallen father.

Jobal Naberrie; Padmé's mother, walked in the room and stood beside Obi-Wan. She sucked in a deep breath. Jobal frowned. "I'm so sorry for all you've lost."

"And I'm sorry for the death of your daughter."

Jobal turned her attention on her daughters casket. "I knew she was going die very young some day. . . I just didn't know Anakin Skywalker; her protector, would be the cause of her death."

"Nobody did." he glanced down at Elara's ring. "I think it's time for me to go."

"Well, goodbye Jedi Master Kenobi. May you have a safe travel." Jobal smiled.

"Thank you and goodbye Jobal."

With that said, he gently placed the white rose into Elara's casket, then he left.

Minutes after Kenobi left, the funeral for Padmé Amidala and Elara Skywalker began.

A bunch of Gualaar pulled their caskets — Padmé's was in front of Elara's — and the two civilization's on Naboo stood in platforms holding torches or lit up decorated floats.

The Gungan and the people of Theed wore all black, their faces held a grim expression. They were either crying or they were perfectly still as they watched in a dreadful silence.

Jar Jar Binks shed a tear or two as he followed Elara's casket along with the rest of the Naberrie family, Queen Apailana, and a bunch of others. Jar Jar Binks never thought Darth Vader would've killed Elara Skywalker and Padmé Amidala.

For Naboo, this was not a happy day.

After they reached the mausoleum, bodies were placed inside two large stone sarcophagus'. And they didn't know this, but a year later, Darth Vader would visit their graves on a quest to mourn them, which would result in absolute carnage.

But for now, they were mourning instead of fighting.


OBI-WAN headed to Tatooine with Padmé's son. Obi-Wan could already tell Luke would have a good life here with Anakin's and Elara's half-brother.

Obi-Wan hopped of the Eopie and handed Luke to his aunt, where he would be safe until further notice, until the time was right.

The woman took Luke, before she went to her husband, leaving Obi-Wan to collect his thoughts as he walked back.

Through everything Obi-Wan went through the past week, he was still surprisingly here, but he was grateful that he was and he was going to make sure that no one would try to take him out of the world. He was going to live for Elara.

"Let's find a new home." Obi-Wan whispered to himself.

From far away, a certain someone watched her lover with a huge smile. She was going to watch over them through the Force until the end of time.

In her eyes there was hope of a new era from Luke Skywalker and Leia Skywalker.

They were the new Chosen Ones in her point of view.

REDAMANCY ⇾ O. KENOBIWhere stories live. Discover now