xxxv. | a new enemy

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IT MADE SENSE NOW. The clones had only been created to bring an end to the Jedi Order, they unfortunately succeeded in killing of most of the Order, and now the Order was only left in dust and exile. All because of the vile Sith and the clones.

The two Jedi's only made it off Utapau because they escaped in of the Separatist's flyers, they slipped right past the enemy undetected. Obi-Wan sent out a signal and Bail Organa caught it, he sent them the coordinates of where he was located to deliver horrible news to them: the clones turned on the Jedi and most of the Republic across the galaxy.

No Jedi was left alive. That probably meant Gavyyn was dead too, and it was her fault because she ordered Gavyyn to stay with the very clones that ended up betraying them all.

When Bail Organa saw the sight of the two Jedi he was relieved they made it to Tantive IV alive. How they survived the disastrous events did not matter to him. He led them to where Yoda was sitting in the hallway.

Once they met up with Yoda, the four walked the white halls in silence for none of them knew how to talk about the situation at hand. The Jedi were pretty much extinct at this point, and that wasn't good.

"How many other Jedi survived?" Obi-Wan broke the ice first.

"Heard from no one, have we." Yoda replied.

Not even Anakin? That was very bad.

The clones truly did attack everyone.

"I saw thousands of troops attack the Jedi Temple," Bail added. "That's why I went looking for Yoda."

"Have we had any contact from the Temple?" Obi-Wan questioned.

"Received a coded message, we have." Yoda replied.

"It requests that all Jedi return to the Temple," Bail told the couple. "It says that the war is over." Elara felt her stomach twist and turn, many more would fall for the trick and many more would die. The Order would then be extinct with the exception of Yoda, Elara, and Obi-Wan. Hopefully Anakin and Gavyyn wouldn't fall for it either.

Elara looked up from her boots. "We need to warn whoever is left of the Order. . . we can't let them fall into the trap!" she cried, sadness and grief overwhelming her.

"I agree," Obi-Wan said. "They will be killed."

"Suggest dismantling the coded message, do you?" Yoda asked, Obi-Wan and Elara nodded.

"Yes, Master," Elara said. "There is too much at stake. Too much we can lose."

"Agree I do," Yoda said. "Little more knowledge light our way it might."


BAIL ORGANA and the Jedi landed on Coruscant without much trouble. Luckily for them, the Chancellor called for a meeting, which allowed the Jedi to get to the Temple unnoticed.

REDAMANCY ⇾ O. KENOBIWhere stories live. Discover now