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ANAKIN AND ELARA stood by the grave their mother was buried underneath. Elara held a bunch of flowers in her hands to place at the headstone as a gift she thought would look nice on the grave. She hoped her mother liked these kind of flowers for they never got out much in Tatooine so she wasn't sure if her mother actually had a favorite flower.
Anakin tried to keep a stoneface for as long as he could despite that it was the hardest thing to do at the moment. He wanted to seem strong in front of another Jedi, though he knew she didn't care if he was weak, it was only the others who cared if they were weak. This was their mother, the only person they'd known to care for them besides each other.
Elara shakily crouched down. Her arms extended out and dropped the flowers down at her grave, tears streaming down her face. She swallowed thickly, pushing sand on top of the flowers stems to keep the flowers in place. The only thing that would get rid of these flowers would be a sandstorm, she hoped that no sandstorm would get rid of it.
Anakin crouched down beside her. "She would be proud of us. . ."
"She would."
Anakin swallowed thickly. "When she died in my arms, I. . . I killed all those raiders. I fueled my anger and. . . I-I-I kind of liked it."
Elara looked up at him. "What?"
"I know it sounds-"
"You let the anger consume you?"
Anakin lowered his head. "I did. I shouldn't have but I did, Elara. I'm so sorry."
Elara brought him into a hug. "It's okay," she squeezed him, before pulling away. She cupped his face. "Never tell anyone else what you told me. . . never. Not even Padmé."
"Okay." Anakin whispered. He looked at the grave, taking a few deep breath's. "Do you think she's at peace?"
Elara nodded. "I know she is."
"Because we're safe. She wouldn't rest knowing we were in danger, Ani." Elara told him.
Elara laid her head on his shoulder, rubbing his back. "No one will ever love us like our mother did. . . not even Padmé, not even Obi-Wan, not even me or you. . . no one," she looked up at him. "Her love will stay with us forever."
Anakin didn't answer.
"And if we were to ever have children of our own, we'll love them as she did. We'll know how it is. . . and we'll understand why she gave us up so easily to the Jedi Order," Elara explained.
Still, he didn't answer.
"Or maybe we won't ever know," she looked at him. "But I hope we will someday know what it's like to have children. Start a family-"
"We can't do that while we're in the Jedi Order-"
Elara hushed him. "We can. So long as the Order monitors each of our families."
Anakin looked down. "I didn't know that."
"Not many do."
Elara sucked in the air. "Anyway, we should head back."
"No, lets stay here with mother."
Elara nodded.
And so they stayed at the grave for the rest of the night.