xiv. | the senator's assassin

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IF PADMÉ DIED TONIGHT, Elara would blame herself for not trying harder to protect the senator from her assassin's. If Anakin or Obi-Wan got hurt too, she would also blame herself for that.

She clutched onto her inactivated lightsaber, turning it over in her hand as Anakin overlooked the city of Coruscant in silence. Elara glanced up at her brother, she could feel something was wrong with him, but she didn't bother to ask in case that made him snap.

Fear leads to anger, Elara thought to herself. Anakin definitely allowed his fear of losing their mother get to him, which he indefinitely let the anger consume him. It hadn't completely consumed him but she could tell it was starting to consume him piece by piece.

Elara Skywalker was going to stop that anger from consuming him. One way or another.

The moment she heard Obi-Wan walk into the room, her neck whipped in his direction, along with Anakin's who turned around to greet his master.

"Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs, no assassin would try that way." Obi-Wan tossed his cloak onto the couch. Elara gave him a smile as he walked past. He looked down and smiled back at the brunette sitting on the couch.

"We can only hope." Elara spoke up, focusing her eyes on the Master.

Anakin sighed. "Quiet as a tomb," he turned away and gazed out into the city as Obi-Wan pulled out the camera surveillance video planted in Padmé's room. "I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to her."

Obi-Wan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. The video was completely dark and no one could see Padmé even if they tried. "What's going on?"

Anakin turned in the direction Padmé's room. Elara shot up from the couch and walked over to Obi-Wan and studied the video. She let out a small chuckle, "She probably felt uncomfortable that we were watching her." she said.

"What was she thinking?" Obi-Wan mumbled. He approached the senator's door, Anakin followed. Elara frowned, she wished they would leave her some privacy but she understood it was for her safety.

"She programmed Artoo to warn us if there's an intruder." Anakin glanced between his sister and Master.

The Jedi Master sighed in frustration, placing his hands on his hips. "There are many other ways to kill a senator." he stated.

Elara met his gaze, her eyes worried. What if there was someone in Padmé's room right now, or what if they killed her and Artoo didn't catch it? Padmé's death would be on their hands and their hands only.

Anakin continued on. "I know, but we also want to catch this assassin, don't we, Master?"

Elara whipped around and faced her brother, displeasure and anger plastered onto her face. "You want to use her as bait?" she questioned out of disbelief and shock.

To use Padmé as bait was bizarre. Elara didn't agree with the idea one bit even if it could identify the man trying to kill Padmé, or even end the assassin's own life so he wouldn't end Padmé's who was so very young and deserved a long, happy life with the person she loved in Naboo or wherever she wanted to live. Padmé deserved that, with or without Anakin.

Elara folded her arms over her chest and noticed the glare Anakin was receiving from Obi-Wan. She narrowed her eyes at him and clenched her jaw.

From that moment forth, the atmosphere began thick. It was almost hard to breath in it but none of them except for Anakin minded it, they wanted Anakin to know that allowing the assassin to get close to Padmé was ludicrous.

"It was her idea," Anakin glared back. Obi-Wan pinched the bridge of his nose, frustrated. Anakin continued, "Don't worry, no harm will come to her. I can sense everything going on in that room. Trust me."

"Ani, we all can, but sometimes we can't always sense it," Elara spoke up. "You can't always rely on the Force. You have to sometimes rely on your own skills alone, Anakin."

Obi-Wan nodded his head in agreement. "I couldn't agree anymore," his eyes flickered back to Anakin. "It's too risky to rely on the Force. Your senses aren't that attuned, my young apprentice."

A smirk fell upon the youngest Skywalker's face. "And yours are, Master?"


Anakin amusingly shook his head and glanced over to the moonlit balcony, a sense of bliss washing over him. He walked over to it and placed his hands on the metal railing, eyes glazing over the flourishing city of Coruscant. Anakin glanced back at Elara who had sat down on the couch, then he glanced back to the city.

Elara looked up at Anakin. She noticed and felt he was worried. She knew he greatly worried for the senator of Naboo and he would do anything for her, because he loved her that much, but he clearly did not realize he loved her as much as he did.

"You look tired." Obi-Wan pointed out suddenly. Anakin downcasted his eyes.

"I don't sleep well anymore."

"Because of your mother?"

Those few words caused Elara to shoot up from the couch, great worry and fear hitting her hard in the chest. Her lips parted and her breath hitched. Elara wanted to ask him if they traveled to Tatooine to visit of even for a mission, and found their mother dead but they didn't tell her, yet she didn't dare ask that dire question.

Pain was evident in her brother's eyes, Elara could tell. Anakin slowly nodded his head. "I don't know why I keep dreaming about her."

Obi-Wan stepped towards Anakin. "Dreams pass in time." he reassured. Anakin shook his head, causing Obi-Wan to frown. "Be mindful of your thoughts, Anakin. They betray you."

Suddenly, Elara spun around and stared at Padmé's door. She felt something in her room. Elara activated her lightsaber and strode towards the door. She halted right in front of it and widened her eyes. "Padmé."

Elara ran inside the room, the blue light glowing in the senator's room. Obi-Wan and Anakin dashed into Padmé's room just as Elara swung her saber at two kouhuns, causing Padmé to sit up from her bed in alarm.

As Anakin ran over to Padmé, Obi-Wan tossed his head over to see a droid outside the window. Elara noticed the droid also. Suddenly, Obi-Wan launched himself out the window and gripped onto the droid.

With that, Anakin darted off and Elara brought Padmé into her arms.

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