xvi. | a new assignment

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THE TRIO OF JEDI'S STOOD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM IN FRONT OF THE JEDI COUNCIL. The three of them were summoned to discuss the next instructions for this mission. At first, they weren't going to have Elara be apart of it, until Yoda persisted she helped the other two find the true identity of the bounty hunter that sent another after Padmé.

She glanced over to Master Windu who was staring at the three also, he seemed to be deep in thought whilst stroking his chin absentmindedly. She shifted her gaze back to Master Yoda and waited for him to speak.

Elara clasped her hands together and focused her gaze on Master Yoda, his own eyes flickering between the three Jedi, before it finally started to glance between the Jedi Knight's. "Track down this bounty hunter, you must, Elara," he looked at the other Knight. "Obi-Wan."

The Skywalker woman smiled in excitement. She looked upon Yoda, he hadn't gaven her any assignments since she was promoted to Jedi Knight, he's simply left her alone, which she didn't mind but she wished she could get out more and now she finally was. Elara glanced to Obi-Wan and stared at him in excitement, who shared the same look right back.

Windu nodded and spoke up, "Most importantly find out who he's working for." he added.

"What about Senator Amidala?" Obi-Wan questioned, drawing his eyebrows together. Elara looked at Windu and Yoda expectantly. She truly did hoped they were not thinking of leaving her alone. "She will need protection."

"Handle that your young Padawan will." Yoda answered the question. Elara looked at Anakin, who smiled in excitement, his thoughts running a hundred miles per hour that he had finally been given an assignment by the council.

"Anakin, escort the senator back to her home planet on Naboo," Windu ordered the young Skywalker boy. "She'll be safer there and don't use registered transport. Travel as refugees."

Anakin nodded. "I don't think the senator will listen. It will be a great challenge to make her leave Coruscant."

Elara nodded in agreement. Padmé would very well want to risk her life than leave and take refuge in Naboo. She wouldn't even listen unless they knocked her out cold and transported her to Naboo that way. It was a very good idea to do that, too.

Upon seeing none of the Master's were sure, Obi-Wan and Elara exchanged glances of curiosity to how they were going to convince Padmé. Elara could possibly tell them her way if they didn't know, or Obi Wan could, or even Anakin but she doubted Anakin had his own idea for this Padmé situation.

"Until caught this killer is, our judgment she must respect." Master Yoda simply told Anakin.

"Anakin, go to the Senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her about this matter." Master Windu instructed the young boy.

REDAMANCY ⇾ O. KENOBIWhere stories live. Discover now