xxxiii. | upatau

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ELARA HOPPED OUT OF HER SHIP ONCE THEY LANDED ON UTAPAU. She immediately felt that Grievous was here, she didn't know why she did, but she did. It was an overwhelming feeling. And it felt like they were being watched too, like they were walking in on a trap.

Apart from that, Utapau was beautiful, and she wished they were visiting under better circumstances than the war being here. It was a beautiful place that would soon be destroyed because of the stupid war between the Republic and the Separatists.

Immediately, Elara, Gavyyn and Obi-Wan were greeted by tall pale men adorned in red cloaks. The three of them bowed to the crowd of men. Elara clenched her jaw as they stood back up, her back straightening out and making sure her stomach wasn't noticeable.

"Greetings, young Jedi," the one who seemed to be in charge asked, moving closer to the trio. "What brings you to our remote sanctuary?" he asked.

Obi-Wan huffed, his tone full of sorrow and regret. "Unfortunately, the war." he told the man, frowning.

"There's no war here," the man raised an eyebrow. Elara's stomach churned. "Unless you brought it here with you."

"With your kind permission, we would like some fuel," Obi-Wan asked the man. Elara looked down at a nervous Gavyyn. "And use your city as a base as we search nearby systems for General Grievous." he explained.

The man looked back at what Elara assumed were servants, speaking in a language she didn't understand at all. If only Threepio were here. He'd understand, Elara thought to herself.

The man stepped forward, he was now awfully close to the trio, an insane amount of fear laced in his voice. "He is here," he whispered, his voice cracking. "We are being held hostage. They are watching us." he informed.

Obi-Wan raised his voice, playing along. "I understand."

"Tenth level. Thousands of battle droids." the man whispered. Gavyyn looked up at Elara, staring at her for a while. Elara stared back. If it was a coping mechanism she didn't know about then she'd oblige. They may be closer to death than ever before.

Obi-Wan cleared his throat, "Tell your people to take shelter, if you have warriors, now is the time." the man nodded. They bowed to each other.

The trio of Jedi walked back to their ships, all of them being able to sense that someone was spying on them in the direction of the balcony that sat above them.


"Take the fighters back to the ships. Tell Cody we made contact." Obi-Wan ordered R4 and R5, the droids in the back of the two jets.

Elara and Gavyyn sneakily snuck to the back of their jet, Obi-Wan did the same, so the droids who were spying on them wouldn't see them. Elara pressed a finger to her lips to tell her Padawan to keep quiet, she nodded.

Their ship took off and the females slid underneath a hatch in their jet and jumped underneath the roof of the landing platform while using the Force to keep themselves invisibile from the droids that would see them and report it to the General.

The astromechs flew the ships away. Elara pulled her hood on. Obi-Wan pressed his hand to Elara's back while grabbing Gavyyn's hand, and led the females to the stables where they would acquire an animal to ride on.

Obi-Wan looked down at Elara, wishing she had not joined him on this mission. If he could tell her to stay back, he would, but it was not his decision.

Elara, Gavyyn and Obi-Wan were given an animal, so they could all ride on it. Obi-Wan helped Elara onto the lizard, offering his hand to her which she took and swung her legs over the animal. He then helped Gavyyn on before he settled himself on the lizard himself, grabbing the reins.

Elara held Obi-Wan tightly, burying her face into his back, fear radiating off of her, causing Obi-Wan to chuckle.

And then the animal took off.


AFTER THEY found Grievous and the other Separatists, they decided to stay still on the platform since they were all right below them. Elara prayed none of them would hear or sense the trio of Jedi's.

The Viceroy of the Federation spoke. "Without Count Dooku, I have doubts about the abilities to keep us safe!"

The trio crept closer to the edge of the bridge and peered down over it, scanning through the group that was in the middle of a meeting. Viceroy Gunray and General Grievous were yelling at each other while everyone else just stood by and watched.

"Your ship is waiting." Grievous said and walked away from the table of the cults leaders, a group of droids following after him, along with the trio above.

As General Grievous was surrounded by droids, Obi-Wan started talking his cloak off and his lightsaber out of his belt. Elara put a hand on him to stop him, but all he did was give her a smile, before he jumped off the bridge, leaving Gavyyn and Elara.

"Hello there!" Obi-Wan said to the general.

"General Kenobi!" Grievous excitedly shouted. Droids ran into the room and isolated Obi-Wan who seemed unfazed by it. "You are a bold one!" Grievous laughed menacingly. Four droids with electro staffs approached Elara's lover. "Kill him." Grievous ordered.

Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber to prepare himself, but he didn't have to for Gavyyn Halcour used the Force to crush the droids with a large metal object. Elara praised her Padawan by smiling. She jumped off to join Obi-Wan on the dance floor, Gavyyn followed.

The droids raised their guns at Obi-Wan and blasted their guns. But Elara threw her hand out and put them all in a Force stasis to keep them frozen in place, her eyes widened.

"I will deal with this Jedi scum myself then!" Grievous yelled.

Obi-Wan smiled. "Your move."

"You fool!" the general took the cape off. "I have been trained in your Jedi arts by Count Dooku."

Grievous used his four arms to pull out four lightsabers. He swung the top ones in the air like a ship and used the bottom ones to slice at Obi-Wan. Once they got close to Elara and Gavyyn, Gavyyn jumped out with her lightsaber.

She swung at the general and blocked his hits while Obi-Wan went to go hit him from behind, only to be blocked by Grievous. Gavyyn kicked one of his arms down and sliced the arm off.

Grievous swung at Gavyyn, only for Elara to catch his lightsaber by with her own blades, pushing him off of her as Obi-Wan cut off another hand. They swung at each other until there were blaster shots sounding out from below them and taking the droids out.

"Elara, Gavyyn. Go!" Obi-Wan ordered. Elara shook her head as Gavyyn started pulling her away. "I'll take care of him!" he assured.

Right before she departed from him, she crashed her lips into his. Her heart soared into the sky when he met her lips, bringing him very close, until she pulled away and ran off.

REDAMANCY ⇾ O. KENOBIWhere stories live. Discover now