x. | a padawan and a knight

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THREE YEARS AFTER ANAKIN AND OBI-WAN RETURNED FROM THAT ONE MISSION ALL THAT TIME AGO (THEY WERE NOW ON A DIFFERENT MISSION), Elara Skywalker sat in the bar on Corcuscant. It was very late at night since one of her lessons had just finished up twenty minutes ago.

Yoda told her she was getting very close to starting her Jedi Trials for he was starting to not know what else to teach her; she knew the Jedi code the best she could, she knew how the Force worked in it's many mysterious ways, she knew the Force's origins, she knew basic Force training, she knew how to fight with a Force-imbued lightsaber (she and Yoda dueled each other on Dagobah, so she learned it pretty well), he trained her in mind probes and interrogation the best he could, she learned military history, she learned diplomacy (she wasn't good at it), she learned regular science and medical science, and she crafted her own lightsaber.

Now he was further honing her lightsaber combat skills and teaching her advanced Force training to take her to the next section — the nine Jedi Trials: teamwork, isolation, fear, anger, betrayal, focus, instinct, forgiveness, and protection.

Master Yoda was proud of his Padawan, Elara Skywalker. She did not know he was proud of her though, because Yoda would never admit to being proud of someone.

Right now, Elara gyrated a small cup with her hand across the bar table, and that gave the bartender the worst day of his life as he tried his hardest to catch the cup that continually spun in a circle, gradually picking up it's speed and she occasionally let out an amused snort.

When her lessons first started, Yoda taught her how to spin small things around, before he taught her how to meditate as they always did before their lessons, or they would simply channel the Force from their minds before beginning the long lesson by imagining the many things of life that brought the Force around, or the Force brought. They weren't exactly sure which brought which.

Her mind trailed back to her twelve-year-old brother and she smiled, inhaling sharply. Elara was glad he was back from that mission, but she had this weird feeling that maybe he shouldn't have came back from his mission with Obi-Wan.

But Elara tried to ignore that weird feeling the best she possibly could.

Suddenly someone tapped her shoulder and she twisted her head to find a certain Jedi Knight standing there with a smile, his hand now placed his on his utility belt to protect one's self in case someone decided to attack a Jedi for absolutely no reason.

"Obi-Wan," Elara breathed out with a smile, the cup coming to a stop. The bartender finally grabbed it and heaved a relieved sigh.

"Hello, Elara." Obi-Wan sat down on the stool beside her, giving her another smile.

Elara placed her elbows on the bar table. "You're already back from a mission?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

REDAMANCY ⇾ O. KENOBIWhere stories live. Discover now