v. | jedi council

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The doors opened once Elara heard someone order that. Elara, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Anakin trudged inside the huge room filled with Jedi's.

Elara glanced over to Obi-Wan who shot her a ghostly smile, which she returned, and she felt her stomach flutter. Elara looked down at Anakin and took his hand, swallowing thickly.

The two were brought to the middle of the room, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stood a few feet away as they presented the pair to the Jedi Council. They all exchanged glances as if reading each other's minds.

"The Force is strong in them, especially the boy." one of the Jedi's began, causing Qui-Gon to bow ever so slightly at the man.

"They are to be trained, then?" Qui-Gon asked in hopes that was the case, while Elara swallowed nervously. She could sense that Anakin was also afraid of getting rejected by the Jedi Council.

One of the other Jedi Master's spoke, his voice and expression calm. "No, neither of them will be trained," he shook his head. Elara lowered her head in disbelief. "They are too old."

Qui-Gon held the other master's gaze out of disbelief. "He is the Chosen One, you must see it," he looked at Elara. "And you know that Elara may as well be the Chosen One if Anakin is not."

The green creature seated in the middle closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened his eyes, he spoke. "Clouded, these children's future are."

Qui-Gon walked behind Anakin and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders, glancing between everyone. "I will train him, then," his gaze landed on someone. "Obi-Wan can train Elara. We take them as our Padawan learners."

The creature blinked and then pointed at Qui-Gon's Padawan. "An apprentice you have, Qui-Gon and your apprentice cannot take an apprentice himself, he is not ready!"

Obi-Wan sucked in a deep breath as Qui-Gon spoke, "Obi-Wan is ready to face the trials."

The creature shook his head, narrowing his eyes on Qui-Gon. "Our own council will keep on who is ready."

"He is headstrong and he has much to learn of the living Force, but he is capable. There is little more he can learn from me." Qui-Gon glanced at Obi-Wan.

Elara sighed, letting out a shaky breath in the process. It was clear that the council was not going to train her and her brother while giving Obi-Wan his Jedi trials. They clearly had different matters to worry about.

"The Skywalker's fates will be decided later." The green creature announced as he glanced to the master seated beside him.

Another Jedi spoke up, "Now is not the time for this, Master Qui-Gon. We need you to go with the Queen of Naboo and discover the identity of the dark warrior. That is the clue we need to unravel in the mystery of the Sith."

Sith? Elara thought in confusion. What was that? Was it the evil man with the skin color of crimson red who fought Qui-Gon on Tatooine?

They definitely were the enemy, Elara knew that. But who exactly commanded the Sith? They couldn't work alone, they had people on the inside of the council, didn't they?

"May the Force be with you," a woman with platinum hair spoke, causing everyone to look in her direction before they left.


AFTER MEETING WITH THE COUNCIL, Qui-Gon informed Elara she would be heading with them on this mission to Naboo to rid it of the Federation so Queen Amidala could go back home, along with her handmaidens, and to also save her people from being massacred.

Naboo; Elara had heard that planet was beautiful, but she heard one of the Jedi's say the Federation took control of the planet from the queen. That meant it was very dangerous there.

Elara's brown eyes drifted over to her brother speaking to the Jedi Master who tried to take Anakin as his Padawan and make his current Padawan a Master in order for Elara to be trained to be a Jedi as well.

The girl had a gut feeling that something horrible was going to happen on the mission, but she forced herself to stay calm for Anakin and whoever else would feel nervous like Padmé or Obi-Wan for example, but mostly for Anakin.

"Are we bringing young Skywalker, Elara?" the blond headed man asked as he walked up to her, glancing over his shoulder to see Anakin talking to Qui-Gon who was confused.

"Let's hope not," she whispered, folding her arms over her chest. "If he got hurt, I don't know what I'd do with myself." she sighed.

Obi-Wan firmly nodded, his blue eyes lingering on the brunette. He placed his hand on his utility belt and briefly turned his head back to Qui-Gon. "Do you believe your brother is the Chosen One?"

Elara glanced at Anakin. "He has to be. . . my mother miraculously got impregnated by-by some magical force and not by a man," she paused and gazed up to Obi-Wan. "He is. I can feel it."

It fell silent between them, the pair looking off at the rows of ships, before that silence was broke. "I think now that you, his sister, confirmed it. . . I believe he is the Chosen One as well," he paused, inhaling deeply. "There is a prophecy for the Chosen One, you know."

"What is that?"

"The prophecy is, by word, a Chosen One shall come, born of no father, and through him will ultimate balance in the Force be restored," he peered over at Anakin. "He will be the one to destroy the Sith order and he will become a Jedi, as you will too. I know both of you will."

My brother will bring balance to the Force and destroy the evil, she thought to herself.

Hours, or minutes, ago, they were rejected by the Jedi Council and it felt like she were a failure in all honesty, she knew Anakin felt the same. Becoming a Jedi had been Anakin's dream ever since he could walk, but now he might not be able to because the Jedi's saw their potential and the Force within them both too late.

Elara peered over to her brother who met her gaze. He gave him a smile, which he quickly returned and she could see the light in his eyes finally return after mere minutes or hours of his dreams being snatched away.

Loud footsteps echoed in the hangar bay, so they turned to see the Queen of Naboo with her handmaidens walking to the ship on the journey to Naboo. Qui-Gon cleared his throat and bowed, "Your Majesty, it is our pleasure to continue to serve and protect you."

Everyone followed the queen as her and Qui-Gon exchanged conversation whilst walking to the ship. "I welcome your help. Senator Palpatine fears the Federation means to destroy me."

"I assure you, I will not allow that to happen." Qui-Gon assured before they quickly entered the ship.

Elara swallowed thickly. She hoped her gut feeling wasn't correct and this mission would go well.

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