xxxvii. | the fate of skywalker

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THE SKYWALKER SIBLINGS STRUCK AT EACH OTHER, their movements strong and calculated. Neither of them were about to give up, and neither of them were going to let the other gain the upper hand, even though they couldn't because they matched each other in skill.

They held each other's lightsabers in the air, Anakin pushing down on Elara to end her life once and for all, anger flaring in his eyes as he tried to get her down on the ground, but she wasn't about to let up.

She pressed his saber blade away from her and kicked him to the ground. Elara raised her lightsaber to kill him, until Anakin used the Force to send her sprawling back into the hallway.

When her body collided with the ground, the wind was knocked out of her. She glanced down at Anakin who flipped back onto his feet. Elara then pushed herself off the ground as Anakin let out a bloodcurdling scream and charged at her.

He piled a blow on her over and over again, but she blocked it each time. He was going to get tired soon, he was recklessly using his energy and time on her, he wouldn't succeed.

She was scared though. Her heart pounded against her rib cage, wanting to be let out of its frightened and horrified misery.

Their lightsabers struck again, making a purple streak that followed them as they parried towards a railing inside the building, but instead of hitting each other, they locked each other in place, sparks flying around them.

Random objects were crushed as they held each other there because they were both distressed, scared, and angry. The Force within them was uncontrollable at the moment for their emotions were running high.

But neither of them wanted to take the final killing blow, they surprisingly still loved each other way too much.

"Join me, sister!" Anakin screamed, holding her down. "Padmé does not want the power to rule an entire galaxy nor does she want me anymore. . . but you do want that power, I know it. . . you didn't tell me what you did earlier for nothing," he told her, eyes searching for any sort of give away that she was going to break but he could not find any.

He continued. "Together we can rule and bring order to our new galaxy. . . just you and me like it should be," he paused and waited an answer, but he received nothing as an answer. "Let the light go, El. . . let it go, and take my hand."

Elara's heart chipped away into pieces, tears running down her rosy cheeks as she shook her head, her voice cracking. "I want to take your hand, Ani, but I will never," she mustered up the strength to push him off. "J-join. . . you. . . in the dark side!"

She kicked him over the railing outside the control room. Elara gave a glance to an unconscious Obi-Wan and frowned, before she jumped over the railing to follow Anakin. She sticked a landing, causing her to wince, and place her hand on her head until Anakin went at her.

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