xxx. | dark things

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ELARA SAT OUTSIDE ON A ROCK. She tapped her fingers on her legs, biting her lip as she tried to clear her mind to meditate like Master Yoda asked her to do. He wanted her to dive deep into the Force and try to feel for the Force. It was hard to clear her mind, though, she kept thinking about Anakin. What he did during their mission. The path he might be going down. Her nerves would ease if he wasn't growing so close to Chancellor Palpatine, the man who encouraged him to kill Count Dooku with the knowledge it was not the Jedi way and it would take him down a dark road.

The night before, she had a dream about her little brother, but he didn't look like her brother. His eyes were yellow, not blue. Alongside the clone troopers, he was attacking the Jedi temple and killing people they were friends with. Elara thought about mentioning it to Yoda earlier about her nightmare to try and make sense of it. She realized it may as well give her former master ammunition against her little brother, the brother he had little faith in for whatever reason. She forced herself to believe the nightmare was only a coincidence, that it was not in fact a vision of what was to come, that she was not in tune with the Force to see such things.

After countless attempts to push Anakin to the deepest corners of her mind, she got off the ground and poured herself another cup of tea. It shamed her to think the way Master Yoda taught her to clear her mind by meditating was just not cutting it today. . . she might have not been trying hard enough though.

Whenever Elara finally reached out to the Force, she had to learn more about her dream, she had to keep the dream she saw continue further on, she had to force herself to relive it as many times as she needed to see if there were patterns, if things almost stayed the exact same, or if things were different each time. If things were different each time, it was only a nightmare. If it was exact each time, it was a vision.

Dread blossomed in the pit of her stomach. If it was a vision then she would have no other choice than to tell the council of what she saw.

She laughed to herself. Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One turning to the dark side? No. He wouldn't. He wouldn't leave Padmé behind for she carried his child and they were going to have a life together, the Order be damned. He wouldn't turn against his sister. How could he? Fighting against Elara was the last thing Anakin intended to do.

A presence distracted her from her thoughts and she glanced at the door to see that her childhood droid had walked into the room. He was golden, he walked very slow, and sometimes he got annoying from all of his rants, but Elara still loved him nonetheless, and his name was Threepio; one of her very close friends that was a droid.

"Oh. . . Master Skywalker!" Threepio showed his excitement, throwing his metallic arms in the air, waddling over to the brunette. "Oh how I missed you!"

Elara smiled. "I missed you too, Threepio," she stood up, picking up her cup of tea as Artoo wheeled himself into the room after his old friend. "But remember I told you to call me Elara."

REDAMANCY ⇾ O. KENOBIWhere stories live. Discover now