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ELARA SAT BEHIND A WALL. Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Padmé, Anakin, and Artoo followed her over there. Padmé shot a laser device to signal the captain, and immediately he responded to the signal.
The guards were the first ones to make their way to the hangar bay. Elara grabbed Anakin and held his shoulders, swallowing down bile on her throat as her brown eyes stared into his blue eyes.
"Once we get inside, I need you to hide, Ani, and you'll have to stay in that hiding spot. Okay?" Elara told him.
Anakin nodded in amusement, his eyes darting around everywhere but her eyes. She sucked in a deep breath and prayed he would actually listen to her, which deep down she knew he would, but she was still scared he wouldn't listen.
While the captain's men fired upon the droids, the group slipped past; Padmé, Qui-Gon, Elara, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Artoo and the fighter's ran to the hangar bay doors, only to be met by a crowd of droids.
"Anakin, hide!" Elara and Qui-Gon both called out as the Jedi deflected blaster lasers away from the boy as he ran to hide.
Elara used her blaster pistol and shot down a droid right in the chest, the laser shot leaving a gaping hole in the droid's metallic chest. Obi-Wan gave her an encouraging look to tell her she was doing it right, which relieved her.
Unbeknownst to her, Padmé smiled at the pair exchanging looks, before she shouted.
"Get to your ships!"
The ship pilots darted to their fighter ships through the fire, dodging each blast. They all jumped into their cockpits and prepared themselves to take off to shoot at the command ship.
Elara, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Padmé were suddenly surrounded by droids and they vigorously shot with pistols or cut them down with lightsabers, before Captain Panaka shot down the remaining ones surrounding them.
"I think the viceroy is in the throne room." Padmé said.
"I agree." Qui-Gon nodded.
They all immediately dashed towards the exit from hangar past where Anakin hid who suddenly hopped out from his spot and into the fighter jet cockpit. Elara widened her eyes and halted, her hand gripping the pistol as he spoke.
"Hey! Wait for me!"
Elara shook her head. "Please stay here, Ani."
"But I-"
Qui-Gon hollered to the boy. "Listen to your sister! Stay in the cockpit!"
They all continued on to the main hangar door, only to stop dead in their tracks when the doors slid open to reveal a red-faced, yellow eyed figure wielding a red lightsaber.