xx. | a bounty hunter and his son

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THEY ALL LOOKED THE SAME, but their numbers were huge. They all lined up in several rows, wearing nothing but white armor. There was a few that had their shoulders painted a different color to signify their rank, so Elara guessed if they didn't have a color they were the lowest rank.

Minutes before this, Lama Su and his assistant showed them glass cases of growing embryos to show how they cloned and trained their soldiers to be the exact same. It was quite an interesting concept.

But then they mentioned a man named Jango Fett, the man who they cloned off of, but he only had one unaltered embryo so he could have a son of his own, which Elara understood, she wanted to have children of her own one day.

"Magnificent, aren't they?" Lama Su questioned, overlooking the soldiers who were standing in line or doing something. None of them were slacking off and doing nothing, they were all doing something.

Elara's eyes glazed across the battalion. There was more than enough to protect Padmé and calm down the riots in the planets for Republican. It would help the Jedi with the Separarist Crisis problem.

They needed this army more than anything in the entire world to protect people of the Republic for generations to come.

Elara looked at Obi-Wan with a huge smile, he returned it. They were one step closer to figuring out so many problems all in one day, and Elara couldn't have been more happier to know that.

"You can go see Jango Fett now." the female creature informed.

The Jedi nodded and gave their goodbyes to the Prime Minister. They followed the woman down the hallway to where Jango Fett and his son was staying to clone all these clones for the Republic's army.

Elara had gut feeling he was their assassin, and she wasn't sure how the Kaminoans would take that if they didn't already know. If he were the man they were after, they would have to kill him and leave the kid an orphan, but Elara knew he would be fine, because the Kaminoans would take care of him.

As the woman pressed a ringer button, a child opened the door, presumably being Jango Fett's son, he looked the Jedi's up and down, caution filling his hazel eyes.

The woman spoke. "Boba, is your father here?" she asked.


"May we see him?"


The child didn't seem to be very interesting personality wise, he looked and talked very duly, it was almost a childlike monotone voice. He even looked exactly like the other clones. There was no way he was an unaltered embryo.

The kid, Boba, shouted in the small room, his voice bouncing off the walls. "Dad, you have visitors!"

A man, who looked like every other being here besides the Kaminoans, walked out of a room and rolled up his sleeves, glancing between Elara and Obi-Wan though his gaze lingered longer on Obi-Wan as if he recognized the Jedi Knight.

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