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AFTER THEY LANDED ON CORUSCANT AND THEY DID THEIR REPORT WITH THE COUNCIL, Elara and Obi-Wan sat in her bed chambers in front of her fireplace, watching the fire embers dance around in the charred wood and the coal.

Obi-Wan handed Elara a cup of jawa juice as he sat down beside her. He made the juice in an attempt to de-stress Elara the best he could, but if it didn't work then he wanted to give her a massage.

"I hope. . . I hope we can catch Grevious soon, Obi." Elara whispered, stirring her juice around with her finger.

Obi-Wan nodded. "As do I."

They fell silent. They didn't know what else to talk about. Well, Obi-Wan didn't know, but Elara knew. She just didn't want to say anything because she was still in denial herself after what she watched Anakin do. He was going down a dark path. Obi-Wan noticed her troubled expression.

"What is it?" he asked her, placing his hand on her thigh.

She looked up and sighed, setting her cup down. "When we were on that flagship. . . Anakin used up all of his rage and decapitated Count Dooku. He knew it was wrong, but he still did it. . . especially when Chancellor Palpatine rooted him on."

Obi-Wan looked away, squinting his eyes into the fire. He shook his head, swallowing down a lump in his throat. "I think. . . I think he just wanted to be one step closer to finishing the war." he said.

Elara nodded. She could only hope he was right and that her brother wasn't on the path to darkness and destruction all because the Chancellor egged him on to kill Count Dooku.

Obi-Wan frowned. "Elara, it'll be okay," he assured. "Anakin will be okay."

"I hope so." Elara laid her head on his shoulder, tears welling in her eyes. If Anakin fell to the dark side, she'd be losing her other half for good and it would haunt her for she would have to kill Anakin.

"Anakin is strong. He won't fall over the edge." Obi-Wan reassured her again, brushing her hair behind her back so it wasn't in her face, so she could see better.

Elara sucked in a deep breath. She had to have hope for Anakin, she had to believe that he was still the good man she always thought him to be, and he was good at times. She had to truly believe there was no darkness inside of him. She had to believe he wouldn't betray them to join the Sith he was prophesied to take down.

And he wouldn't, he was the Chosen One after all just like her mother and Qui-Gon had said. He would bring balance to the Force, he would end the war between Sith and Jedi, light and darkness, and the galaxy would be at peace.

"Okay." was all Elara could say.


AFTER Obi-Wan went back to his own chambers, Elara couldn't sleep, so she decided to walk around in the hallway to make herself fall asleep. Watching Anakin kill Dooku was engraved to the back of her mind and it wouldn't stop replaying. She continually lied to herself to make herself believe that Obi-Wan was right and it was kind of working.

REDAMANCY ⇾ O. KENOBIWhere stories live. Discover now