xxxi. | one day

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ELARA STARED AT HERSELF IN THE MIRROR. She noticed she wasn't putting much effort into herself much anymore. Her hair had looked like a raven's nest for days now. She was afraid she would combust any day now from the pressure of the vision. She still had yet to tell someone of it. She just didn't know if telling someone was even the right choice. She was scared for her brother. They would throw him out of the Order and Anakin would blame Elara for it.

One day, I'll find the courage, Elara thought.

Upon hearing footsteps, Elara did her best to make herself look presentable. She tied her hair into a quick bun, pulling it back as tight as she could. She looked back to see it was someone she called family, someone who was family.

Padmé Amidala.

"Elara, is Anakin okay?" Padmé asked, her hands resting on the top of her bump. "He's been. . . pushing me away and he won't tell me anything!" she cried.

Elara turned around, a soft and sad smile plastered on her face. "He's been stressed, Padmé. The Council gave him a new assignment and. . . he didn't like it. I'm not sure he'll go through with it."

Padmé frowned. "Why?"

"Because he thinks we're going against the Jedi, the Republic," she paused, heaving a sigh. "But it doesn't matter. How's the child?"

Padmé looked down at her stomach, moving her hands up and down the sides, a huge smile slowly forming in her face. She looked so happy to be having a child, Elara hoped the child would be her brothers anchor to the light side and he wouldn't fall to darkness.

"The child is good and healthy. . . as far as I know," she shrugged. Padmé looked up and noticed Elara was intently staring at her. "Do you want to feel?"

Elara gave a nod of her head. She stepped closer and gingerly splayed her fingers across Padmé's belly bump, a surge of exhilaration beaming through her. Suddenly there was a kick, causing Elara to jump back, alarmed. Padmé started laughing.

"The baby is just kicking." Padmé assured her.


"Yes. It's a way of knowing their alive."



Elara sat down on her couch, motioning for Padmé to join her, and she did. The Senator frowned, concern in her eyes.

"Do you think I threw away mine and Anakin's life on Tatooine too fast?" Elara asked.

Padmé shook her head. "No. You had horrible lives there. You were a slave. Coming here. . . joining the Order was the best thing you could have done for you and him," Padmé touched Elara. "Why are you asking this? Are you not happy here anymore?"

"I've never been happier," Elara began, twisting her fingers around each other. "I'm only afraid Anakin still isn't quite adjusting here."

Padmé sighed. "It has been hard for him. He still isn't a Master. He's still a Knight," the woman frowned. "But you have been moving fast through the ranks because you adapted where he could not and that makes him jealous of you."

"I knew it." Elara shook her head, swallowing thickly as guilt consumed her from the inside out. He deserved to be a Master just as much as she did, he just wasn't good enough still. . . not to the council at least.

"You should talk to him." Padmé urged. Elara bit her lip, tears brimming at her eyelids. "You're clearly very worried. You need to talk to him-"

"I will."

"You better."

One day, she thought.

One day.


ELARA stood on a boulder balancing herself, her hands clasped together (she looked like she was praying) while her legs were in a pirouette stance, her eyes screwed shut. This was all to help clear her mind and meditate. A master mentioned it to her in the halls after her talk with Padmé, told her it relieved stress. He was right so far.

She took a lengthy inhale and her head cocked to one side in order to get the glaring sun out her eyes. She lowered her arms and swung them back up, inhaling deeply.

The brunette wished this could last until the war was over and Anakin proved everyone wrong. She still didn't want to tell anyone of her dream, and if something could speed time up she was down for it. Alas there was not a way to speed time.

"Are you having fun, El?" a voice asked. Elara prepared herself for a conversation, prepared to keep her worry at bay. She opened her eyes and glanced back. It was Obi-Wan.

"I am indeed having fun." Elara answered. A laugh emitted from her mouth.

"Good. Can you come down from the rock?" he asked her.

"Sure." she hopped down from the boulder and turned towards Obi-Wan and smiled. They walked towards each other and hugged. They quickly pulled away, hands cupping one another's faces. "I haven't seen you all day."

"I'm sorry darling. . . Windu and I were having a meeting." He sighed, then he kissed the top of her forehead, briefly closing his eyes.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "About what?" she asked him.

"The Separatists and the clones." he responded, dropping his hands down to his sides.

"Oh." she whispered.

Obi-Wan frowned. He glanced to the side, eyes coming in contact with a flower. He smiled, before he bent down and plucked one. Elara raised an eyebrow. He brushed her hair back a bit, admiring her face for a moment.

"You are so beautiful." he whispered as he slipped the purple flower behind her ear.

"And you are so handsome."

Obi-Wan grinned at his lover, taking her hands into his. Elara leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips, her hands moving to his chest.

When they pulled away, her hand was placed on his cheek. "I love you."

He wrapped his hand around her hand that was placed on his cheek, giving it a peck. "I love you more, darling."

They kissed again, but it was more passionate this time, and they immediately lost themselves in each other's lips.

If only they weren't in the middle of war, they could retire from the Order and live far away from here.

One day they would be able to retire and have a good, long life.

One day.

REDAMANCY ⇾ O. KENOBIWhere stories live. Discover now