i. | alternate ending

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AFTER OBI-WAN TALKED TO PADMÉ ABOUT ANAKIN'S WHEREABOUTS, they immediately found out Padmé was leaving somewhere, so they decided they should follow Padmé to wherever she was going whether it be to Anakin or not. They had to protect her from Anakin and they had to make sure her unborn children wouldn't be caught in the crossfire, so they stealthily boarded her ship and hid inside a small closet so Padmé wouldn't find them. Elara knew Padmé would be hurt and upset to find them, she would feel as if they didn't trust her enough to let her be on her own. She wouldn't understand why they followed at first until they explained it a few times.

When the space craft left Coruscant, Elara looked out the window to get one last good look at the planet. She had this feeling she would never see her home ever again after tonight. The new order that took down the Jedi's would be littered throughout the planet, if they weren't already. Coruscant wasn't safe for them. After tonight, if they lived, they would have to find a new place and live different lives, live a lie from one another  so they wouldn't destroy each other. A single tear rolled down her cheek from how hurt she was. She mourned the losses of her brothers and sisters. She took her hand to her face and she wiped the tear away immediately.

Her lightsaber clung to her utility belt in case she would have to help Obi-Wan defeat Darth Vader. The brunette wasn't feeling confident that she could actually help Obi-Wan in the fight against the man she thought to be her brother because she was pregnant. She couldn't purposely put herself in the way of danger for it would put the child in danger. . . the child could be one of the last living being from the Republic. . . and it wouldn't live a life it should. . . and if it survived while Elara didn't, it wouldn't have a mother. Elara rubbed her stomach. Anakin would come back, no one would be hurt tonight.

When the red planet came into view, she looked across it with a saddened look on her face. She drew her eyebrows together. Why would Anakin choose this planet out of all the planets he could have chosen? What about the planets where the angels were? Why here? It was a dangerous place that held no life. It was a planet that was sad. A planet that described his feelings. It was a small gas planet that bubbled with magma and volcanoes, it was definitely a place the Sith would go. She looked to a different planet not too far and noticed there was a moon.

Elara weakly smiled to herself, then she looked down at the man she loved as tears blurred her vision, her eyes turning a bright red immediately from everything she was feeling. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" she asked. Her hands crawled towards his, yearning for him to touch her for what could be the last time. What she said was her way of saying that she loved him, especially when they might no come back from this.

Obi-Wan nodded, tears in his own eyes. He took her hands and cupped her tender face, using his thumb to wipe the tears away. "It is. . . if I die, I can die happy with you right there."

The ship abruptly started to lower itself into the planet, and she suddenly didn't feel too good. She swallowed thickly, holding her stomach in her hands as her heart tightened from the emotions she was feeling all at once. She knew what was going to happen, she could sense it. Elara thought of two questions and they were: what if we don't survive? What if this kills us?

REDAMANCY ⇾ O. KENOBIWhere stories live. Discover now