xxiii. | captured by dooku

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ELARA WAS STUCK. Her wrists ave ankles were tied down, she was floating in something blue, but she couldn't move because the blue energy field was keeping her in place. She didn't like this at all, she didn't like being held captive when everyone was in grave danger.

Her eyes drifted around the room to find Obi-Wan wasn't in here with her. Her mind began to think that he was dead or they were torturing him for information. She didn't want to know what they were doing to him, but she guessed whatever it was it would happen to her next.

The doors to the room suddenly slid open to reveal the white hair man Elara presumed was Count Dooku. His dark presence made her very uneasy and overwhelmed. He was fully apart of the dark side, wasn't he?

"Where is Obi-Wan?" Elara demanded as the energy firms rotated her.

"He's safe." Dooku informed, his hands behind his back. Elara narrowed her eyes.

"Take me to him." Elara demanded. Dooku amusingly chuckled. Elara scrunched her nose up, eyes full of anger.

"Making demands, I see," he smiled, walking around her in circles, his cape following behind himself. He could sense her anger, the anger no Jedi usually had unless they were on the path to darkness. Do you know who I am, because I know you."

"Your name is Count Dooku, or should I say Darth Tyranus," Elara spat.

He smiled, causing her to frown. "Well done, Elara Skywalker."

Elara was almost taken aback by the fact that he knew her, but anyone would know her because she was the sister of the Chosen One. Even the Sith and the dark side knew her by her name.

"I read about you in Yoda's notes. . . you are an evil man that wants power more than anything else but he will never get it." Elara said.

"I already have it, Skywalker."

"No," she shook her head. "You are not. You are a pathetic man."

Fury ignited in his eyes, but it quickly went away and he laughed. "Do you know who Qui-Gon was?" he asked her.

Elara swallowed thickly. She missed that man, he was good. He died too soon in Elara's opinion, he never should've died on Naboo, because maybe a lot of things would be easier but that wasn't the case.

"Yes." she nodded.

"He was my Padawan. . . when I lost him. . . it pained me and pushed me over the edge."


"He was. . . like a son or a brother to me," he stopped in front of her. "I was scared of losing him just like you're scared of losing yours," he paused, nodding. "Just like your scared off losing your mother and. . . Obi-Wan."

REDAMANCY ⇾ O. KENOBIWhere stories live. Discover now