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OBI-WAN KENOBI LAID ELARA DOWN ON A STRETCHER NEXT TO PADMÉ. Threepio came out to greet his Master and her lover, but he stopped when he noticed she wasn't breathing. "What happened?" he questioned, feeling what he assumed was sadness.
"Darth Vader killed her." Obi-Wan informed, his voice riddened with sadness and guilt.
Threepio looked down at her. If he were human, he would frown and cry, but he wasn't so he was only sad. He knew Artoo would be in literal pain that both the Skywalker's were gone for good.
"I am terribly sorry, sir," Threepio said, lowering his head. "We should leave this dreadful place while we still can."
Artoo wheeled himself next to Elara, he sent out a series of beeps, and when Artoo scanned her for any signs of life, he became distressed and slowly shut himself down.
Obi-Wan glanced at Padmé who's eyes fluttered open, she didn't know what was happening, but she did know that Anakin might as well be dead, or they barely escaped death from the young boy who was to be a father.
"Obi-Wan," Padmé called out, her voice small and weak. "Is Anakin alright?" she asked out of concern for her former husband. "Elara?"
The blonde male didn't reply to her as sorrow, pain and remorse filled his blue eyes, eyes that were once bright and happy. He didn't know how to tell her that he left Anakin to burn alive and suffer for what he did tonight and that Anakin killed Elara. It would break her heart even more so to hear her best friend and husband had died.
Padmé looked to her left, horror filling her doe brown eyes to see that a lifeless body was laying in the stretcher next to her. Padmé slowly reached out for the hand, and she immediately saw the ring of Elara Skywalker.
Seeing Elara's lifeless body indefinitely broke her fragile heart more than what her former husband had already broke it. Tears rolled down the woman's cheeks, her fingers briefly touching Elara's hand to try and comfort herself, to try and tell herself that Elara was alive and well she was just unconscious.
With that, Padmé fell back unconscious, her hand still touching Elara's hand as Obi-Wan walked to the pilots seat in the ship and started the ship's engine up. Threepio sat in the co-pilots seat to help direct with the ship.
Threepio helped Obi-Wan place an brain object around her head, it was to maintain life within Elara's brain in order to save the unborn child that resided inside.
Nothing would ever be the same.
WHEN THEY ARRIVED to Polis Massa, Bail Organa took Padmé into his arms while Obi-Wan carried Elara in his arms with Threepio and surprisingly Artoo, who woke up after being distressed, following the men inside the medical center.