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My birthday is on the 3rd of January😉


I quickly began to walk away before I was yanked back by the arm.

"Lily, I'm sorry!" Seth quickly said, causing me to stop in my tracks.

"What I did was wrong and you were completely right. I'm sorry it took me this long to apologize, but it was kind of like you disappeared, I couldn't find you anywhere..."

He was looking for me? 

Maybe I should hear him ignoring the bubbly feeling in my chest, I let him continue.

"...I should have never made out with that whore, I'm sorry."

"Don't call her a whore."

He looked at me incredulously, "Is that the only thing you got from what I said?" I shook my head no.

"Don't call her a whore, cause you put in as much effort as she did, it takes two stones to light a fire." I said justifying the girl, whom I have never met.

"Ok, I'm sorry for making out with that girl. Please forgive me." He said in exasperation. I sighed, suddenly feeling guilty.

"No, you're right' we're not dating so you shouldn't apologize. I'm not supposed to care anyway." I shrugged my shoulders indifferently and began walking into the school building, he followed beside me silently.

"You know you're not like other girls..." he started but I cut him off.

"Umm no, that line is cheesy and way to overused, try again." I said with a cringe and when he broke down laughing, I couldn't help but give in to the contagiousness of his laugh.




I walked out of school with a slight bounce in my step.

It feels like such a long time since I've had swimming practice when in reality, it's only been a week.

A very long week...

"Hey Lily!" I turned around to see Seth jogging up to me." Can I watch you practice?" He asked and my eyes widened in shock.

"Wouldn't your coach be mad? I heard he's really strict and kind of a pain in the ass." I commented, untying my shoelaces while looking at him through the corner of my eyes.

"I could say my dad is strict but I wouldn't say he's a pain in the ass, that's a little harsh, don't you think?"

I turned to him, my eyes widened once again and my mouth fell in shock. He had a small amused smile on his face and I felt like I was about to puke from shame.

"I'M SO SORRY! I didn't even know and I just assumed cause people usually say... never mind. I'm sorry for real." I said quickly while fumbling with some of my words.

"It's okay, I know what people say, but what can I say? I guess assuming things about people is a habit of yours." I suddenly felt horrible, remembering how I had assumed he was a horrible person, without even getting to know him.

"It's okay, I'm not offended, I wouldn't expect less, seeing the people you hang out with, no offence." He said smiling at the end, knowing all too well I wouldn't take offense due to the amount of guilt I was feeling.

"I have to go change." I murmured, walking briskly to the changing rooms with my heart in my throat.

I changed quickly and got out of the changing room to see practically everyone was present.

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