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I'M BACK!!!!

Just finished my was awful.

So back to the story🙂...

Lily's pov.

I tried to act calm, like it didn't affect me at know what?...

Screw this!!!

"Why didn't you tell me?!! Tell us?!!" I yelled referring to the rest of our group.

"Because..." He started but I cut him off.

"Don't give me that bullshit." I spat.

"I haven't explained anything yet!" He said exasperatedly, his voice rising a little.

You better not start with me Fredrick...

"When I first met her, she was so...different and a good kinda different. The 'I hope to get to know you better in the future' kinda different." He took a deep breath and continued, I decided not to interrupt his explanation cause frankly I hate when people do that...and my mom is the best at it.

"When I got to know her she said she couldn't stand players, people who play with people's emotions. I didn't want her to know that part of me, she would never wanna be with me if she found out." He whispered the last part.

"If she can't accept you at your worst, she doesn't deserve you at your best." I assured him and placed a hand on his shoulder, but he shrugged it off quickly.

No I'm not lowkey hurt at all•_•

"I don't care about that shit, I w-want her!" He firmly said but then his voice broke at the end.

"She deserves to know." I stated tossing one of my legs over the other. He turned to me, his face void of any emotions.

"And she will know when I decide she should." He said, his lips in a straight line and his jaw locked.

"No. You shouldn't keep secrets from people you care about." I reminded him.

"What are you trying to say here?" He leaned on my study desk, his face getting redder every second.

"If you don't tell her I will." I stated proudly, but my proudness quickly deflated after I saw his face.

If looks could kill...damn tho.

Suddenly, his face became neutral again and he had a sort of...challenging face?

"Then I'll tell Emmett you like him." He retorted and I literally felt king-kong awaken in my chest.

"You can't do that! You were sworn to secrecy!!!" I yelled angrily.

"Yeah but do you think it's fair that you don't want anyone to tell your secret, but you want to tell my secret even after I explained why I don't want you to?!" He yelled in indignation.

"I have a good reason!" I yelled back, equally offended.

"Oh,off course you have a good reason. What if he doesn't like me back? What if he likes someone else? Oh the pain of being friend-zoned would just be unbearable!" He mocked me in a high pitched british accent.

It always has to be a british accent huh...

"But she has to know and that's what's  important." I seethed and he just glared at me.

"Then I guess Emmett is gonna get a load of this." He taunted gripping the edge of my desk tightly. Who's gonna get bruised him or my desk?

"You wouldn't dare..." I warned, my eyes turning to slits.

"Only if you don't either." He fired back sharply and my breath caught in my throat. He was serious, that much I knew.

"Get out." I snarled after a moment of silence and he stood unfazed before climbing out of the window and shutting it behind him, maybe a little harder than necessary.

I sighed and clutched my pillow fiercely.


I forgot I was's like the pain just stopped during our fight and now  it's over, it came back in full force.

"Sweet Jesus..." I mumbled as I put my arm over my forehead dramatically.

Sleep it off...

Sleep it off...

Sleep it off...

And I did just that.




I woke up and checked my alarm and it read 3:42am. I quickly hopped off my bed and ran down the stairs, not bothering if I was waking anyone up.

I ran into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I took out a spoon from the nearby cabinet and took out the jar of nutella.

I dug my spoon into the jar and gave myself a generous scoop of chocolate deliciousness.

Suddenly the lights flickered on, didn't realise they weren't on before tho...

"What are you doing?" My mom asked groggily as she squinted her eyes to adjust to the light.

I simply smiled in response, showcasing my chocolate stained teeth.

She cringed and walked out of the kitched muttering, "You and your stupid cravings...."

My cravings are not stupid! Your carvings are stupid.

She doesn't have any cravings.

Yeah but if she did they'd be stupid.

I dropped the nearly empty jar of nutella back in the fridge and walked back up the stairs.

I was too lazy to brush my teeth so I just hopped in the bed and drifted off to sleep.

Thankyou to those of my readers who are still here Ilysm!❤❤❤

Also sorry for the short chapter.🙁
Word count:875 words

Enjoy my lovelies🤗


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