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Lily's pov.

The words kept repeating in my head.

"You know you and your friends can't protect her forever."

He was right, they can't protect me forever. I'm not supposed to be protected in the first place, I'm not some fucking baby waiting for a pacifier.

From now on, I'll protect myself and noone else will do it for me.

I felt this new feeling in my chest, it didn't feel good. I felt like someone was controlling me with strings. Like some kind of puppet.

It's like I could literally feel their strings attached to my body.

I didn't like it. I won't let anyone control me...ever.

But something was controlling me right now, my fear, my pain, it was all controlling me.

It was all because of Justin. He made me scared, he caused me pain and he was going to pay dearly for it.

I would use his worst weakness. After dating him for 9 months, I knew exactly what it was.

What other way to break him than with his precious reputation...


That Emmett guy sure is stupid tho.

He thinks him and his crew could just try to make her happy all the time.

I know her, she let me in, she opened all her walls for me. I know everything about her and I know she is still probably busy sulking in her room, wondering she's so worthless.

I know what she has been through and it really is horrible but I still managed to break her even though she was already cracked.

And do I feel bad about it you may ask? No, not in the least bit.

Do I regret it? Not at all. The look on her face when I confessed about Skylar and I, it was quite comical. I actually tried very hard not to laugh, but I managed to keep my cool, I mean she had to give me some credit for that.

I actually can't believe she thought I would just change my life for her. I would give up all the girls who would willingly fuck me, because of her.

What made her feel so special, like she is everyone's typical black girl.

Okay, not black girl, she's brown-skin, but that's what any normal person would call her.

Who ever says brown girl?

I actually heard this rumour that I dumped her cause of her colour, which is totally not true. I have nothing against her colour and if I did, Aliza would have my head for breakfast.

I cleared the rumour before it got to her though, not cause I cared. The truth is I've worked really hard for this reputation and people thinking I'm racist was an instant blow to my perfect status.

Like I would let some virgin chick destroy my reputation.

That was definitely the most annoying part of our relationship.

I don't know what she wanted me to say, she just wouldn't give in. I took her on dates, I bought her chocolate, but she wouldn't even sit on the same bed with me.

I eventually gave up and I wanted to hurt her. I needed to do something that'll shatter her completely.

I wanted Kourtney to help me with it but she didn't want to.

She made me pay her $60. I didn't actually have sex with her, sure I was sleeping around but not with her.

It's like sleeping with my sister. I couldn't ask Skylar cause she was already dating some other boy for his cash. Aliza wasn't even an option.

I would never admit it outloud but I'm actually scared of Aliza. She just gives off this wave of 'if you mess with me I'll cut your head off and stick it up your thighs' kinda vibe.

Well, Skylar agreed after some persuasion and after I paid her the cash, but it was worth it, she's a better actrees than I thought. She made it look so believable.

Well the girl bought it and was heartbroken, blah blah know the usuals.

Skylar wasn't very happy about it tho and neither was Seth.

Speaking of Seth, I saw both of them having eye contact with eachother in the cafeteria and I hope they aren't doing anything.

Imagine what people will think if the girl I dumped starts dating my bestfriend, or even worse dumps him.

Okay I have to laugh now, sweet innocent Lily Hart would play a boy, or dump him. How could I even think that?

Thing is tho, if they start dating, it wouldn't be good for my reputation, I have to do everything I can, to make sure they don't get together.

Even better, I could get him to play her, Skylar wasn't to happy with the amount of time I played her.

She said, "A month would do, why nine?"

Seth on the other hand, is the best at playing for a long time, I could just ask him. If he says no, a little cash will get things rolling.

I decided to text him to meet at my house, we could discuss things there.

Justin: Stop by my house later I wanna talk about something with you.

Seth: Okay sure, I'll be there in thirty minutes.

I made my way over to my house and got out my stash from behind my drawer.

How much are we talking about here, I'll start with $30.

I took a pie out of the fridge and warmed it before taking it up to my room.

I was hungry and he wouldn't be here till 30 minutes, I could eat while I wait.

I began changing into more comfortable clothes, occasionally taking a slice of the pie while doing so.

This girl thinks she's so special, I'll break her and get what I want, even if I have to force it out of her.

Sorry for the late update guys.
Also should the next chapter be in Lily or Justin's pov?

Who else loves my baby Justin😋
Word count: 1000 words.

Enjoy my lovelies🤗


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