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Pic of Kristine above^

This is to make up for my late update.

Also do you guys get notifications when I update?

Well enjoy the chapter.

I forgot she was coming today...

I forgot completely.

"Hey, hey, hey bitch! Did you miss me?" Kristine yelled as she slung her arm over my shoulders.

I saw my mom's disapproving face at her choice of words. But she didn't say anything tho.

I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt, I really missed her so much.

I hugged her and squeezed her tight.

"Woahhh... easy there tiger." She murmured as she hugged me back.

"Why don't I show you your room Kristi." My mom suggested as she dragged her box into the house.

"Nah, I wanna share Lily's room." She beamed and I smiled.

Just like the old days...

She collected her boxes from my mom and sprinted up the stairs like she was holding nothing.

That girls energy is enough for a whole country.

Unlike your lazy ass...

Gimme a break, would ya?...

I followed her up the stairs and into my room. She was arranging her clothes into her part of the wardrobe.

After she left, I couldn't keep my clothes in her part of the wardrobe, cause it made it feel like she was still there.

I knelt down beside her and helped her unpack.

"I'll go unpack my toiletries." She said carrying a bag into the bathroom.




In a few hours, she was completely packed in.

My mom helped us move her bed into my room and right now we're just laying beside eachother on my bed and starring at the ceiling.

"What did I miss?" She asked, breaking the silence and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I mean like...what's been goin' on?" She clarified and I sighed.

I tell Kristine everything, if she found anything out from someone else, she'll be pissed.

"I still like Emmett." I murmured and she froze.

"That sucker boy with the golden hair!" She laughed and I punched her shoulder.

"Yesterday I saw him kissing another girl." I said sadly and she turned to look at me.

"I'm gonna rip his throat and stuff it in his intestine, then I'll-" she began threatening but I cut her off.

"He doesn't know I like him." I said again.

"Wait hol' up, so you ain't even told him yet? You wanna be a sucker like him? Gurlll...grow some balls." She said dissapointed.

"If I could I would've." I growled annoyed and she sat up.

"I know I told you to grow some balls but if you use them on me, I'm just gonna rip em right off." She stated threateningly.

"It's just...there are so many things that could go wrong, him not liking me, him not liking relationships, or worse, him liking someone else...I just can't..." I shook my head. I'm not going to hurt myself like that.

"Pussy." She muttered and got up from the bed.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." She stated, walked over to the curtain and shut it. "One of us is gonna have to do it and I doubt it's gonna be you." She countered and I grinned. She scowled back before grabbing her towel and entering the bathroom.

"Honey are you gonna have dinner?!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"No mom!!!" I answered.

"How bout you Kristi?!" My mom yelled again.

"No thanks!" She yelled over the shower." What was that sweety?!" She yelled in confusion and I answered.

"She said no thanks mom!!!"

My mom didn't say anything after that.

I layed back on my bed and sighed.

Do I really have to tell him?...

"Let's go!" I yelled over to Kristine as I kissed my mom's cheek.

Kristine did the same before running outside with me towards Juls car.

"Is that who I think it is?!" Juls exclaimed as she got out of the car and moved towards us.

"The one and only." Kristine joked as Juls engaged her in a painful-looking hug.

"I missed you to." Kristine grinned as she hugged her back. They stayed like that a little longer.

Well I can just feel the love right now...

When they finally finished their hug, we filed into the car and drove to school.

When we got into school, all eyes turned to us. Just like every average highschool, the whispering started.

I guess a lot of people recognised her.

"Kristine Hart is back people!!!" A boy who I don't know his name, yelled.

People cheered as she grinned waving her hand at the crowd like some kind of fucking celebrity.

News flash! Hope reality didn't slap you to hard in the face. You're just a popular teenager, not the first person on Mars.

Since we were little, she had everything handed to her on a silver platter. Her easy-going carefree attitude got her the admiration of the whole school.

While my awkwardness and lack of courage got me a bully, who happened to have a crush on her.

Why didn't she blackmail him with this you may ask? Why didn't she make him leave me alone?

Because she couldn't play with people's emotions...

I know it's wrong to think of my cousin this way, but I couldn't help it, everything was so easy for her.

I watched as she easily got herself into a conversation with a random group of people.

Bet you wish you could do that...

Shut up subconscious. I thought that voice in your head is supposed to help you make decisions, not annoy the fuck out of me.

"C'mon Lily, let's see how my first day back is gonna be." She said excitedly as she dragged me into the school building.

It's going to be fantastic, afterall she's...

Kristine Hart.
Hope you like Kristine, she happens to be my favourite character.
Word count: 982 words

Enjoy my lovelies🤗


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