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Lily's pov.

"Mom I'm home!!!" I yelled as I ran straight up to my room and pulled the door open. Kristine who was sitting on the bed, shook with shock.

"Are you on drugs or something?" She asked with her hand over her heart.

"I know exactly how to get revenge on Justin!" I squeeled excitedly and she jumped to the edge of her bed anticipating my answer.

"You know that boy Seth?" I started and she nodded confused. Good. She doesn't know what I'm planning, perfect.

"He's Justin's bestfriend." I said and she nodded still not knowing where I'm going.

"What does Justin care about the most?" I asked and she thought for a moment.

"His hair?...You want his bestfriend to help you put hair dye in his shampoo bottle cause he would never let you in his house and it's hard to sneak in?" She asked and I blinked.

That was actually a good idea, I would've made it green.

" His reputation, he cares about his reputation themost and imagine if the girl he played, plays his bestfriend?" I asked and her jaw dropped.

"HAVE YOU ACTUALLY LEARNT NOTHING!!!" She screamed and I winced.

"It's a good plan." I murmured, starting to doubt myself.

"No it's not, Seth didn't do anything to you, why are you dragging him into this?!" She yelled.

"Stop yelling." I hissed and she just glared at me.

"He's a player too, all the other girls he played didn't do anything either. This is a win-win situation. I get my revenge on Justin and get revenge for all the other girls too." I reasoned and she shook her head.

"This is not how to do this." She scolded and I could feel my own anger rising.

"You were the one who told me to get revenge in the first place!" I yelled and she cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah but I thought we could just tp his house or spray paint his car. Not this!" She yelled at the end.

"Whatever, I can do this myself." I said grabbing a hoodie and slipping off my shirt then putting on the hoodie.

I walked out of the room and I heard her yell, "You've been warned!"

I didn't answer and left the house slamming the door behind me.

What the hell is wrong with her? Here I was, listening to her advice and she's  acting like I'm the bad person.


I walked over to the ice-cream café again, hoping he would be there.

Might as well put my plan into progress...




Seth's pov

I walked over to Justin's front porch and was about to ring the doorbell when the door flew open.

"Come on in." Justin said and began walkin up the steps, I followed behind him silently and admired his house.

Don't get me wrong, I've been here a thousand times before but I always admired the decor each time I was here.

He walked into his room and I followed behind him. He plopped on his bean bag and I slid in the one across from him.

"I need you to do something for me." He stated and I nodded for him to go on while I picked up a slice from the half eaten pie on his desk. His eyes followed the slice and I raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to say something about it. He shook his head and opened his mouth to continue.


"I need you to play Lily." He stated and I was confused.

"Isn't she your ex?" I asked and he nodded.

"And you want me to play her?" I growled. "Chill, hear me out!" I was about to punch him in the face.

Why would you wanna use the same girl twice, we never did that, it was completely uncalled for.

"She's thinks she's so special, she thinks her friends can protect her forever, I need to teach her a lesson and you're the only one that can do that." He explained and I got up angrily.

"What the fuck do you have against this chick?!" I yelled in frustration and he stood as well.

"She didn't let me have what I want and she needs to pay." He explained and I scoffed.

"Chill, you couldn't score a girl, so I'm supposedly to score her for you?" I asked trying to understand what he's saying.

"Yes, she'll never date me again, so you have to score her, that way I can show her that I'm in charge and you get to fuck a virgin." He reasoned and I shook my head.

"I don't lik taking girls virginity when I don't even have feelings and I'm not doing this." I clarified as I made my way out the door.

He followed me out the door. "Dude, do you have some thing for this chick?" He asked, I stopped and stared at him.

"I mean...I don't even know what to think anymore, I saw you guys staring at eachother in the cafeteria today and it didn't look like you just met. Plus, you would never pass on to play a girl. Ever." He explained.

"I don't play virgin's..." I said, trying to convince myself that was the reason I wasn't aggreeing to this.

"...and I don't have anything for this chick." I mocked at the ending and walked out the front door.

How could he expect me to play some innocent girl, she would never do something like this. She didn't deserve this. Not at all.

I made my way to my parent's café and on my way there, I started thinking.

Why am I actually talking to her?

Why don't I want to play her?

Why am I angry at Justin for breaking her heart?

Why am I angry that he's trying to break her heart again?

Okay...I think I know the answer to that last one.

Why would you even want to break someone's heart a second time? It doesn't even make sense. You did it once, there's no need to do it again.

I walked into the café and spotted her on the stool the second I walked in.

What a coincidence.

I made my way over to her, she didn't look to happy.

"Hey." I said catching her attention, she didn't look like she wanted to talk to anyone but when she saw me, she managed a small smile.


Seth isn't listening to my baby😑
I don't like Seth.

Word count: 1100 words.

Enjoy my lovelies🤗


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