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Our Barbie's above^

I decided that I don't need to stop writing because I'm afraid you don't like it.

I'm gonna keep writing and hopefully someone will like it.

Right now I'm in my room. I'm doing my homework while Kristine is making a Tik Tok video.

She was dancing to Gooba by 6ix9ine. I had my fingers crossed for her, that my mom wouldn't come in and see her doing this dance.

"So that Seth guy was hot." Kristine blurted and I choked on air.

"Umm...yeah he was..." I agreed, not daring to look up from my work.

"Speaking of hot boys. I was paired with this hot guy for my Physics project and he's coming over." Kristine said typing away on her phone.

"Does mom know?" I asked shocked. Kristine never brings a guy to the house. Even if it was for a project, they normally met at his place. This was truly shocking to me.

"Yeah she does and she's okay with it." Kristine answered and I nodded. Well, what are the odds...

"Also, you can't be here when he's here." She explained and I gasped.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want you making googly eyes at him, while we're trying to work."

"I do not make googly eyes." I stated firmly. What is she talking about. I have never made googly eyes.

"Yeah, tell that to Seth." She waved me off as she stepped out of the room with her phone pressed to her ear.

Probably talking to mystery boy.

In a few minutes I had finished all my homework and was just laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

In a few moments, the doorbell rang and I rushed out to see who the mystery guy was.

I landed on the end of the stairs and my eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as I took in the figure standing in the doorway.

"Well what a pleasant surprise." He said sarcastically and I was speechless.

"You know I never thought I'll be seeing you anytime soon." He said nonchalantly as he stepped into the house.

Kristine was glancing between us confused while still holding the door open. Kaz sighed and closed the door for her, then she blinked.

"You little shit. That's the first thing you're gonna say to me after I beat your ass last time. It's obvious you didn't learn not to mess with me." I threatened jokingly.

"Beat my ass? If begging me to carry you cause your legs were broken, is considered beating my ass, then you really are a loser." He chuckled and I glared at him.

"So let me get this guys know eachother?" Kristine asked inbetween our mini staredown.

We both nodded.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise." She muttered as she ushered me out of the house.

"Chill let me grab my converse." I chuckled as I managed to grab it from the shoe shelf before she shut the door behind me.


I decided to go to the ice-cream café. It has been my favourite place since I was little.

I got there soon since it's a short walk from my house.

I ordered cookie dough ice-cream with chocolate chips and sat on a table alone after paying for it.

I was halfway finished when someone slid in the seat across from me.

I took another spoon full of ice-cream before looking up.

I almost choked, I struggled to get some air and coughed violently.

For anyone who asks, no this isn't embarassing at all.

"This time I actually took your breath away and there's no denying it." Seth said in his smooth velvety voice.

Well you don't say...

"How did you get here?" I asked trying to use ice-cream to cure the burning sensation in my throat.

"My parents own this place." He said proudly as he used his arms to gesture to the whole store.

Well that's actually cool.

"What are uou doing here?" He asked as he leaned in closer.

"I've been coming here since I was a kid. I come here all the time." I brushed off finishing the last of my ice-cream.

I digged deeper into the ice-cream cup to make sure I got every single drop of it.

"You look like you need some more." He chuckled infront of me.

"Yeah." I answered and got up from my chair.

I went over to the front desk and ordered another ice-cream, I was about to pay when a 20 dollar bill slid on the counter.

I turned to Seth and raised an eyebrow at him, I was about to snatch it and give it back but the sales lady beat me to it.

"This ya' girlfriend bruv?" She asked Seth in a strong accent I couldn't quite decipher.

"You could say that." He answered smiling directly at me. I quickly put my head down, but not before sending him a quick glare.

"Well, ya'll makes a cute couple, come again bruv." She smirked at us and handed me my ice-cream.

I quickly made my way out of the café, with Seth trailing behind me.

What the fuck is he following me for?

I turned around to face him and raised an eyebrow at him. "See anything you like or you just want to follow me?" I asked annoyed.

"Both." He answered as he walked beside me.

I didn't say anything as we walked quietly beside eachother. I mean...what am I supposed to say to that?!!

"Thanks for the ice-cream." I muttered as I stared at my feet.

"No problem bruv." He imitated the lady from the café and I chuckled, leaving us to fall in a comfortable silence as I made my way back home.

Kristine should better have been done with her business.

Hello to all of you who are still here and thanks for not giving up on my book.

I'll be updating everyday from now on😌
Word count:1009 words.

Enjoy my lovelies🤗


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